
#' FLXSA data sets
#' Data sets for testing and validation of the FLXSA package
#' The three datasets available in this package (cod4, her4 and ple7a) each
#' consist of four objects.  \describe{ \item{*.indices}{An FLIndices object
#' holding various indices of abundance for each stock.} \item{*.stock}{An
#' stock object with the necessary catch estimates, biological parameters and
#' previous stock estimates.} \item{*.xsa.control}{The FLXSA.control object for
#' the reference run.} \item{*.xsa.ref}{The FLXSA object obtained from the
#' reference run.} }
#' @name data
#' @rdname data
#' @aliases cod4 cod4.indices cod4.stock cod4.f.ref cod4.n.ref her4
#' her4.indices her4.stock her4.f.ref her4.n.ref ple7a ple7a.indices
#' ple7a.stock ple7a.f.ref ple7a.n.ref
#' @author Laurie Kell
#' @seealso \code{\link{FLXSA-class}},\code{\link{FLXSA.control-class}}
#' @keywords data
flr/FLXSA documentation built on Oct. 12, 2022, 6:37 a.m.