durham_ve: Estimate VE using method from Durham et al. 1988 (AJE)

View source: R/durham_method.R

durham_veR Documentation

Estimate VE using method from Durham et al. 1988 (AJE)


This method is based on smoothing scaled residuals from the Cox proportional hazard regression model. It consists of four steps. First, an ordinary proportional hazard model is fitted using a partial likelihood function. Second, Schoenfeld residuals are calculated. These residuals are used to test the independence between residuals and time. Third, the residuals are scaled and added to the coefficient from the ordinary proportional hazard regression model. Fourth, after smoothing we can get the estimated hazard ratios as function of time by recovering the time-varying regression coefficient. This allows testing the hypothesis of no VE waning and the estimation of TVE at each time point.


durham_ve(x, df = 2, n_days, n_periods, n_days_period, var)



survival object


degrees of freedom


number of days in the study


number of periods in the study


number of days per period


name of variable to assess


tibble of VE estimates for each period (the estimate for each period is the average VE over the days within each period.

fluvee/wave documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 12:31 p.m.