Man pages for flyeye/VSF
Scalar and Vector Spherical Harmonics (SPH and VSH)

factorialNKCalculate a part of the factorial, from i to j
FScalarProductCalculate a scalar product of the spherical harmonics with...
GetJbyNKPCalculation combined index j from indexes n, k, p
GetNKPbyJCalculation indexes n, k, p from combined index j
GetSphFuncK_matrixCalculate a spherical harmonic within a range from J = 0 to J...
LegendrePolinomCalculate of the associated Legendre polynom in b
SphFuncK_JCalculation of the spherical harmonic value with combined...
SphFuncK_NKPCalculation of the spherical harmonic value with indexes n, k...
SphNormaRCalculation of the normalization factor of the spherical...
VSphFuncSB_JCalculate the value of the sectorial vector spherical...
VSphFuncSB_NKPCalculate the value of the sectorial vector spherical...
VSphFuncSL_JCalculate the value of the sectorial vector spherical...
VSphFuncSL_NKPCalculate the value of the sectorial vector spherical...
VSphFuncTB_JCalculate the value of the tesseral vector spherical harmonic...
VSphFuncTB_NKPCalculate the value of the tesseral vector spherical harmonic...
VSphFuncTL_JCalculate the value of the tesseral vector spherical harmonic...
VSphFuncTL_NKPCalculate the value of the tesseral vector spherical harmonic...
VSphScalarProductCalculation a of the scalar product of the vector sperical...
VSphScalarProductFieldCalculation a of the scalar product of the vector sperical...
flyeye/VSF documentation built on May 5, 2019, 12:30 p.m.