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fiderent allows you to compare whether files with the same file names in two different folders are actually identical. Determining whether two files are identical is sometimes done based on their timestamps or their sizes. There are many situations where these methods is not suitable. A more robust method is to compare their md5sum hashes.

I created this package to identify the files that were changed subsequent Jekyll builds. Once this list of file was identified, I could then invalidate them in their CloudFront distribution. I created a GitHub Action that relies on this package.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


To demonstrate the use of the package, let’s compare the files that have changed between the versions 0.8.0 and of the dplyr package.

## download the two dplyr archives

## extract them in two different folders
untar("dplyr_0.8.0.tar.gz",  exdir = "dplyr_0.8.0")
untar("dplyr_0.8.0.1.tar.gz",  exdir = "dplyr_0.8.0.1")

## load the fiderent package

## get the full comparison between the two folders
compare_folders("dplyr_0.8.0", "dplyr_0.8.0.1")
#> # A tibble: 440 x 4
#>    files         `/home/francois/R-dev/fid… `/home/francois/R-dev/fid… identical
#>    <fs::path>    <chr>                      <chr>                      <lgl>    
#>  1 /DESCRIPTION  f0632e50b2e4d6fa21db08455… ba5d03865dd38f7d6f0c299c8… FALSE    
#>  2 /LICENSE      c7180788a8ec3035d54fc733f… c7180788a8ec3035d54fc733f… TRUE     
#>  3 /MD5          e9846e4a590600faa337b4aeb… 46d2c1d85e01a994674fd6b87… FALSE    
#>  4 /NAMESPACE    e884ab3192f1a0a21b9b4a7f4… e884ab3192f1a0a21b9b4a7f4… TRUE     
#>  5 /      caf1e85bd53dfc528c0fe22d5… caf1e85bd53dfc528c0fe22d5… TRUE     
#>  6 /R/RcppExpor… e19f85e800b3b920f4bdd9b2d… e19f85e800b3b920f4bdd9b2d… TRUE     
#>  7 /R/all-equal… 385c938e7ddaf4321adf4ee19… 385c938e7ddaf4321adf4ee19… TRUE     
#>  8 /R/bench-com… 9d5b6b054df3934c26af87b53… 9d5b6b054df3934c26af87b53… TRUE     
#>  9 /R/bind.r     1f12f8b0dc718ffd7ddb1d89e… 1f12f8b0dc718ffd7ddb1d89e… TRUE     
#> 10 /R/case_when… 8d39ad0a1e4b1341b5b9a4956… 8d39ad0a1e4b1341b5b9a4956… TRUE     
#> # … with 430 more rows

## extract just the names of the files that have changed
compare_folders("dplyr_0.8.0", "dplyr_0.8.0.1") %>%
  filter(!identical) %>%
#> /MD5
#> /build/dplyr.pdf
#> /inst/include/dplyr/hybrid/vector_result/ntile.h


Try to say “different folders” ten times very fast.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the fiderent project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

fmichonneau/fiderent documentation built on Sept. 29, 2020, 12:48 a.m.