Man pages for fnoorian/mltsp
Tools for machine-learning based time-series prediction

aggregate_xtsAggregate data to the given time granularity
aggregate_xts_matrixAggregate xts matrix data to the given time granularity
binary_day_of_week_matrixCreate dummy variables for day of week
binary_hour_matrixCreate dummy variables for hour of day
build_mltsp_piplineCreate an ML TSP pipeline object
build_narxBuild a nonlinear auto-regressive time-series forecasting...
centered_lagged_windowsCreate Centers the lag winow around Lag 0, with width p on...
clone_timestampsChange values in a time-series
continue_timestampsContinue the given time-stamps for the next 'h' steps
continue_timestamps_using_referenceContinue the given time-stamps for the next 'h' steps using a...
create_cv_timeslicesCreate time-slices for time-series cross-validation
create_daily_xtsAggregate data to a daily time-series
create_hourly_xtsAggregate data to a hourly time-series
create_minutely_xtsAggregate data to a minutely time-series
forecast.mltspMachine learning pipeline forecast
forecast.narxForecast a NARX object
lagmatrixCollects and embeds lagged windows of data.
lag_windowsCollects and embeds lagged windows of data as a vector.
mltspCreate an ML TSP object
mltsp_forecasterFunctional version of the mlts
narxNonlinear auto-regressive time-series forecasting with...
period.apply.stringPeriod apply with string function
period.firstPeriod apply with string function
period.lastPeriod apply with string function
predict.narxPredict a time-series using a NARX object
seasonal_lag_windowsCreates a window around each seasonal lag, with...
SimpleLMA Simple linear model.
ts_appendAppends new values to a time-series.
ts_continueCreate a bew time-series with the new value that continues...
ts_crossvalTime-series cross-validation
ts_crossval_simpleSimple time-series cross-validation
ts_inv_preprocessInverse preprocessing of a time-series
ts_preprocessPreprocess a time-series
fnoorian/mltsp documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:48 p.m.