Man pages for foramashar/fashaR
R package with Foram's functions

addtable2plot.newUpdated function to add plot to table
ahat.plotFunction to make the Ahat plot for genetic enrichment...
allelematchFunction to get logical vector for if alleles match
CoxResultFunction to tidy up results from CoxPH model
factor2numFunction to convert vector to class numeric
fastreadFunction to read in large dataframes faster
forestplot.boxcolModified forestplot function to allow for different colored...
get.make.groupsUpdated version of make.groups
getRFunction to get sum of probes A+B from Affy 6.0 array
grs.plot.newUpdated grs.plot function from package gtx
is.character0Function to check if object is of class character and of...
is.integer0Function to check if object is an integer of length 0
makeclumpsFunction to make the SNP clumps at different Pvalue cutoffs
makeclumps.allFunction to make the SNP clumps at different Pvalue cutoffs
makeclumps.CADFunction to make the SNP clumps at different Pvalue cutoffs
makeclumps.customFunction to make the SNP clumps at different Pvalue cutoffs
makeclumps.custom.MAFFunction to make the SNP clumps at different Pvalue cutoffs
makequintilesFunction to make quintiles from a column within a dataframe
permpFuction to compute Pval from given null distribution
read.identifiedPlots grid of PCs
wideScreenFunction to increase width of R on linux
foramashar/fashaR documentation built on Nov. 15, 2020, 5:05 a.m.