
# Data Source -------------------------------------------------------------

# Original files sent By Suzanne Lao. (Mauro's private email
# https://goo.gl/WhFNqd).

# From: Lao, Suzanne <LAOZ@si.edu>
# Date: Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 1:33 PM
# Subject: RE: Data from BCI for examples
# To: Mauro Lepore <maurolepore@gmail.com>
# Cc: "Davies, Stuart J." <DaviesS@si.edu>
# I have shared a folder with you via dropbox ***[bcifiles]***. It includes:
# -          BCI elevation data
# -          BCI 2005 and 2010 stem data
# -          BCI 2005 and 2010 tree data
# -          BCI species file
# -          wood density file, which contains some errors, and will be updated
# soon. However the values for BCI should be fine.
# -          a text file with the habitats per 20x20m quadrats, which were
# determined by observation.
# However, habitats can also be determined by the slope, convexity, and
# elevation. I am attaching a file I made ***[bci.quad.info.rdata]***, which is
# quite old. You may want to redo this file, or maybe someone else has a better
# one.
# The tree and stem data are the most updated ones that we have from Rick.
# Please use a subset of this data only.
# Let me know if you have any questions.
# Cheers,
# Suzanne

# Elevation Data ----------------------------------------------------------

#' Elevation data from BCI recorded over a 5x5m grid.
#' Elevation data from Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama, recorded over a 5x5m
#' grid.
#' @source Lao, Suzanne \email{LAOZ@@si.edu}.
#' @format
#' A tibble with 20301 rows and 3 variables:
#' * `x`, `y`: coordinates at every corner across the BCI plot (xxx which
#' corner?).
#' * `elev`: elevation at every corner across the plot (xxx which corner?, xxx
#' is the unit meters?).
#' @seealso [bci_mat].

#' A matrix of elevation data from Barro Colorado Island.
#' A matrix of elevation data from Barro Colorado Island (BCI). Data is recorded
#' over each 5x5m grid. Columns represent x coordinates and rows represent y
#' coordinates.
#' bci_mat and [bci_elevation] contain the same information. They differ only in
#' the class: bci_mat is a matrix and [bci_elevation] is a dataframe.
#' @source Lao, Suzanne \email{LAOZ@@si.edu}.
#' @format A matrix with 101 rows and 201 columns.
#' @seealso [bci_elevation].

#' Dimensions of the plot from Barro Colorado Island (BCI).
#' @source Lao, Suzanne \email{LAOZ@@si.edu}.
#' @format
#' An unnamed vector of length 2.

# Species Data ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Species from Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama.
#' @source Lao, Suzanne \email{LAOZ@@si.edu}.
#' @format
#' A tibble with 1414 rows and 13 variables.
#' Variable names at http://ctfs.si.edu/Public/DataDict/data_dict.php.
#' * `sp`: Species code.
#' * `Latin`: Latin name.
#' * `Genus`: Genus name.
#' * `Species`: Species part of Latin name; (or may be a morphospecies name).
#' * `Family`: Family name.
#' * `SpeciesID`: Primary key, an integer automatically generated to uniquely
#' identify a    taxonomic species.
#' * `SubspeciesID`:  An integer automatically generated to uniquely identify a
#' subspecies.
#' * `Authority`: Taxonomic authority for the classification of the species.
#' * `IDLevel`: The deepest taxonomic level for which full identification is
#' known. Limited to values species, genus, family, none, or multiple. None is
#' used when family is not known. Multiple is used when the name may include a
#' mixture of more than one species.
#' * `syn`: xxx
#' * `subsp`: Subspecies portion of the Latin name, may be a subspecies or
#' variety.
#' * `wsg`: xxx
#' * `wsglevel`: xxx

# Wood Density ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Wood density data from Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama.
#' @source Lao, Suzanne \email{LAOZ@@si.edu}.
#' @format
#' A tibble with 16558 rows and 9 variables:
#' * `wsg`: wood specific gravity, i.e. dry wood density.
#' * `idlevel`: The taxonomic level from which the `wsg` was taken. If `genus`,
#'     `wsg` is the mean for the entire genus, if `family`, wsg is the mean for the
#'     family, etc.
#' * `site`: Plot name. Should match name in database.
#' * `sp`: The species code or mnemonic.
#' * `genus`: The taxonomic genus name.
#' * `species`: The taxonomic species name.
#' * `genwood`: Mean `wsg` for the genus.
#' * `famwood`: Mean `wsg` for the family.
#' * `spwood`: Mean `wsg` for the species.

# Habitat Data ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Habitat data from Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama.
#' Habitats from BCI per 20x20m quadrats determined by observation. Habitats can
#' also be determined by the slope, convexity, and elevation.
#' @source Lao, Suzanne \email{LAOZ@@si.edu}.
#' @format
#' A tibble with 1250 rows and 3 variables:
#' * `x`, `y`: coordinates at every corner across the plot (xxx in meters from
#' some reference).
#' * `habitat`: Habitats per 20x20m quadrats determined by observation.

#' Habitat data from Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama.
#' Habitats from BCI determined by the slope, convexity, and elevation.
#' @source Lao, Suzanne \email{LAOZ@@si.edu}.
#' @format
#' A tibble with 1250 rows and 5 variables xxx:
#' * `elev`: Elevation.
#' * `convex`: Convexity.
#' * `slope`: Slope.
#' * `hab`: Habitat. xxx I converted this from factor to integer.
#' * `quad`: xxx I converted this from factor to integer

# Generic tree and stem tables --------------------------------------------

#' General description of census tables: tree and stem.
#' Tree and stem tables are dataframes that store data from one specific census
#' of one specific census plot. For any given plot one tree table stores data
#' recorded during one specific census, and each row records the data from one
#' specific tree. Similarly, for any given plot one stem table stores data
#' recorded during one specific census , and each row records the data from one
#' specific stem. For example, if plot X was censused twice, then it has two
#' tree tables and two stem tables.
#' Each tree (or stem) table of a census plot has two remarkable properties:
#' * The number of rows equals the number of trees (or stems) that were ever
#' found in the plot (in any census). This implies that the number of rows is
#' identical to that of any other tree (or stem) table of the same plot; also,
#' that trees (or stems) appear in tree (or stem) tables before they recruit,
#' while they are alive, and after they die.
#' * The order of the rows is identical to that of any other tree (or stem)
#' table of the same plot. This implies that you can compare data across
#' censuses even if the row order is important for your analyses. Also, you can
#' easily repeat analyses with different censuses with minimal effort. For
#' example, this structure makes helps to calculate demographic rates between
#' any pair of censuses.
#' @section Definition of Variables in tree tables:
#' * `treeID`: The unique tree identifier in CTFS database. Useful to be certain
#' in matching trees.
#' * `stemID`: The unique stem identifier in CTFS database. Useful to be certain
#'   in matching stems.
#' * `tag`: Tag number used in the field.
#' * `StemTag`: Tag number on the individual stem, if present.
#' * `sp`: The species mnemonic. To get full species names, the taxonomy table
#'   must be downloaded from the CTFS database:
#'   http://ctfs.arnarb.harvard.edu/CTFSReports
#' * `quadrat`: Quadrat designation.
#' * `gx`: The x coordinate within the plot, relative to one edge of the plot.
#' * `gy`: The y plot coordinate.
#' * `MeasureID`: The unique identifier of a single measurement in the CTFS
#'   database.
#' * `CensusID`: The numeric identifier of the census.
#' * `dbh`: Diameter of one stem on the tree, the stem whose stemID is given.
#' * `pom`: The point-of-measure, where the diameter was taken, identical to hom,
#'   but a character variable with only 2 decimal places.
#' * `hom`: The height-of-measure, identical to pom but a numeric variable with
#'   full precision.
#' * `ExactDate`: The date on which a tree was measured.
#' * `DFstatus`: The codes for the measurement as recorded in the field.
#'     * `A`: Alive.
#'     * `D`: Dead.
#'     * `lost_stem` (deprecated): Lost stem. It usually means the stem was broken
#'     in the given census, while the tree had no other stem.  This status is
#'     deprecated;  it is safer to check `stemID` to determine whether a tree's
#'     measurement changed stems between censuses.
#'     * `M`: Missing. It is used where there is no record of the corresponding
#'     value of `dbh`, so it is not certain whether the tree was alive or dead.
#'     `P`: Prior. It indicates a tree had not yet recruited at this census.
#' * `nostems`: The number of living stems on the date of measurement.
#' * `status`: Indicates the status of the entire tree. For example, if any stem
#'   is alive, the tree is alive; if every stem is dead, the tree is dead:
#'     * `A`: Alive.
#'     * `D`: Dead.
#'     * `M`: Missing.
#'     * `P`: Prior. It indicates a tree had not yet recruited at this census.
#'     * `G`: Gone. xxx to complete.
#' * `date`: The julian date, for date arithmetic.
#' * `agb`: Above-ground-biomass of all stems on the tree, in Mg (equal to
#'   metric tons or 106 g). Note that `agb = 0` for dead trees.
#' @section Definition of Variables in stem tables:
#' Compared to tree tables, the the variables are and mean the same. But notice
#' some differences in `DFstatus` and `agb`; also notice the additional
#' variables `codes` and `countPOM` and that the variable `nostems` does not
#' exist for stem tables.
#' * `treeID`: See tree table.
#' * `stemID`: See tree table.
#' * `tag`: See tree table.
#' * `StemTag`: See tree table.
#' * `sp`: See tree table.
#' * `quadrat`: See tree table.
#' * `gx`: See tree table.
#' * `gy`: See tree table.
#' * `MeasureID`: See tree table.
#' * `CensusID`: See tree table.
#' * `dbh`: Diameter of the stem.
#' * `pom`: See tree table.
#' * `hom`: See tree table.
#' * `ExactDate`: See tree table.
#' * `DFstatus`: The codes are the same as in tree tables except that stems may
#' have the additional status `G` (gone). `G` applies when a tree is alive and a
#' stem which formerly had a measurement does not in this census. This happens
#' in some plots, where individual stems do not have tags and cannot be tracked.
#' * `codes`: The codes for the measurement as recorded in the field.
#' * `countPOM`: The number of POMs (HOMs) for the same stem in this census.
#' * `status`: See tree table.
#' * `date`: See tree table.
#' * `agb`: Same, but notice that some may be NA.
#' @source \url{http://ctfs.si.edu/Public/CTFSRPackage/index.php/web/data_format}
#' @family census tables.
#' @name census

# Specific tree and stem tables from BCI ----------------------------------

#' A randomly selected subset of tree tables from Barro Colorado Island, Panama.
#' For every bciYYsNmini "YY" and "N" indicate the year and census number. For
#' example, bci12t1mini contains data released in 2012 from census 1.
#' @aliases bci12t1mini bci12t2mini bci12t3mini bci12t4mini bci12t5mini
#'   bci12t6mini bci12t7mini
#' @seealso census
#' @source Files bci.full#.rdata from
#'   \url{https://repository.si.edu/handle/10088/20925}.
#' @family census tables.
#' @format A dataframe with 1,000 rows and 20 variables.
#' @name bciYYtNmini

#' A randomly selected subset of stem tables from Barro Colorado Island, Panama.
#' For every bciYYsNmini "YY" and "N" indicate the year and census number. For
#' example, bci12s1mini contains data released in 2012 from census 1.
#' @aliases bci12s1mini bci12s2mini bci12s3mini bci12s4mini bci12s5mini
#'   bci12s6mini bci12s7mini
#' @seealso census
#' @source Files bci.stem#.rdata from
#'   \url{https://repository.si.edu/handle/10088/20925}.
#' @family census tables.
#' @format A dataframe with 2,165 rows and 20 variables.
#' @name bciYYsNmini

# Generic ViewFull table --------------------------------------------------

# xxx cont.

# On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 5:39 AM, Suzanne Lao <laosuz@gmail.com> wrote:
#   Hi Mauro,
# I just checked the structure of the Tree and Stem tables in our databases, and
# they are correctly defined in the data dictionary. What has changed are the
# variables in the ViewFullTable and especially the ViewTaxonomy tables.

#' @source https://repository.si.edu/bitstream/handle/10088/20863/CTFSDataModelDocumentation.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y
#' Merges all the relevant variables from the corresponding tables in the
#' database back into a flat file. Each record represents one measurement and/or
#' attribute of one stem of one tree of one plot from one census. Because
#' buttresses can grow, for trees with buttresses, a stem may be measured at
#' more than one height. So some stems may have more than one measurement in a
#' census, but at different hom

# ViewFullTable -----------------------------------------------------------

#' An example ViewFullTable data set.
#' ViewFullTable with data of a only 10 quadrats of the censuses 6 and 7 of the
#' 50 hectare plot of Barro Colorado Island downloaded from:
#' https://doi.org/10.5479/data.bci.20130603. Explanation by Suzanne Lao
#' https://goo.gl/fg2nqh.
#' @source https://doi.org/10.5479/data.bci.20130603.
#' @format A tibble with 4,374 rows and 28 variables.
forestgeo/bciex documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:16 a.m.