  echo = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  collapse = TRUE,
  cache = TRUE,
  # Figures (
  out.width = "70%",
  fig.align = "center",
  fig.width = 6,
  fig.asp = 0.618, = "hold"


From: Lao, Suzanne
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 2:47 PM
To: Lepore, Mauro <>; Shameema Jafferjee Esufali (
Cc: Krizel, Lauren <>
Subject: RE: Building R stem tables for the upcomming workshop

When making the R stem tables, please note the following comments when determining the status variable.

  1. DFstatus is exactly the same as the status variable in ViewFullTable.

Status abbreviations are as follows:

status_in_viewfulltable <- c("alive", "dead", "broken below or stem dead", "missing")
status_after_rtbl <- c("A", "D", "G", "M")
knitr::kable(tibble::tibble(status_in_viewfulltable, status_after_rtbl))

Status must be adjusted as follows:

  1. Give an Rstatus of P -"prior", if a stem does not appear in the first censuses, i.e. stem is first measured in a later census.

Propagate status == P forward in all censuses until it first appears.

  1. Propagate the Rstatus D (dead) forward, even if the stem disappears in later censuses.

  2. G - "gone" - propagate forward (even if stem disappears in later censuses) until the stem is measured again in a later census.

  3. If a stem was dead in a census, then later found alive, go back and change all the Rstatus 'D' to 'A'.

Stems may go through the following Rstatuses and in this order:

P (prior) -> A (alive) -> G (gone) -> D (dead)

P, G, and/or D may be missing.

Problems that have to be fixed in the Rstatus sequence:

  1. P should NEVER follow any of the other Rstatuses. It should be the first Rstatus, or not appear at all.

  2. P should not go directly to G or D, without first going to A.

  3. D should never be followed by A or G.

  4. Stems should not start with a G, they should start with P or A. Somemes they start with a D when the site tags and measures dead stems

The folder called "onecensus" contains the data from sites for which I have one census only. You may not need to make R tables for these sites, since the R tables that already exist should be fine. You may still want to make them to compare with those that are on the server.

forestgeo/fgeo.validate documentation built on June 6, 2019, 2:17 p.m.