Man pages for francisbarton/jogger
Retrieve Area Boundaries and Data from the ONS Open Geography Portal

build_api_queryHelper Function to Build Queries to the Open Geography API
build_fieldsfilter a lookup table to get formal field codes from informal...
create_custom_lookupUses build_api_query() to Retrieve, Tidy and Return a Lookup...
extract_lookupHelper function
geo_getGet boundaries for smaller areas within a larger area
geo_get_boundsReturn boundary geometries for supplied list of area codes
hocl_msoa_namesA data frame of all MSOAs in England and Wales: codes and...
jogger-packagejogger: Retrieve Area Boundaries and Data from the ONS Open...
lad21nmw_lookupA list of all LADs in England and Wales: codes and names
lsoa11cdnmA list of all LSOAs in England and Wales: codes and names
lsoa_to_msoa_lookupHelper Function to Convert LSOA names to MSOA Codes + Names
oa_lad21_lookupA lookup of OAs in England and Wales to higher geographies
upper_tier_region_ctry_lookupA lookup of UTLAs (EW) to their Region (E) and Country
francisbarton/jogger documentation built on Nov. 18, 2022, 2:46 p.m.