knitr::opts_chunk$set(prompt = FALSE, engine.opts = c(bash = '-l'))
knitr::knit_hooks$set(prompt = function(before, options, envir) {
  if (before) {
    if (options$engine == 'bash') options(prompt = '$ ', continue = '> ')
    else options(prompt = '> ', continue = '+ ')
    options(download.file.method = "curl")
knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = tempdir())


Protein synthesis does not always follow the same correlation with transcript abundance. The patterns governing how ribosomes translate messenger RNA have not yet been resolved. Why, in some cases, do protein levels seem uncoupled from the transcriptome status is an important biological question that science is trying to address. This R package tries to detect which transcripts show changes in translation efficiency, therefore they are translated differentially, across distinct experimental conditions from ribosome footprint and total RNA libraries.

Installing TranslaSeq


TranslaSeq Usage

Input data

For each experimental condition, two files are expected. One for the total RNA library and another one for the ribosome protected RNA. Currently, the accepted filetypes include FASTQ from sequencing facilities (only in Unix-like environments), BAM/SAM from sequence alignment software and raw count values from transcript abundance quantification. The only restriction that applies is that all files should be of the same type. From each of these files, all the subsequent steps required to achieve a translation efficiency fold change and its associated p-value and adjusted p-value for every gene are performed by TranslaSeq.

Althought TranslaSeq is capable of preprocessing and aligning raw reads in Unix-like environments, you are encouraged to use external tools with fine-tuned parameters to achieve more accurate results. TranslaSeq only performs a default unsupervised alignment with a provided annotated genome using Rsubread.

Metadata: metadata.tsv file

A well-formatted metadata file is required. In this file, a table with five mandatory columns should be present, which are:

comment should always be the last column! The table should be written into a tab separated values .tsv file. Here you have an example of a metadata table.

| name | file | type | drug | comment | |-------:|:----------------|:-------:|:-------:|-----------------------------| | rna_v1 | rna_v1.fastq.gz | rna | vehicle | "library processed by Paul" | | rna_v2 | rna_v2.fastq.gz | rna | vehicle | "library processed by Fran" | | rpf_v1 | rpf_v1.fastq.gz | rpf | vehicle | "library processed by Paul" | | rpf_v2 | rpf_v2.fastq.gz | rpf | vehicle | "library processed by Mark" | | rna_d1 | rna_d1.fastq.gz | rna | drug1 | "library processed by Paul" | | rna_d2 | rna_d2.fastq.gz | rna | drug1 | "library processed by Fran" | | rpf_d1 | rpf_d1.fastq.gz | rpf | drug1 | "library processed by Paul" | | rpf_d2 | rpf_d2.fastq.gz | rpf | drug1 | "library processed by Mark" |

Working directory structure

By default, TranslaSeq output is placed into a directory called TranslaSeq.out in the same path the metadata.tsv is present. To know how this behavior can be modified, see TranslaSeq help documentation. All the intermediate files needed to end up with a final table of genes and their translation efficiency ratios are written to disk in this directory, which is structured in the following way:

                                    |-- alignments/
                                    |-- counts/
                                    |-- fastq/
                                    |-- reference/
                                    `-- pipeline.log
  1. The fastq directory will contain preprocessed FASTQ files with reads which have been trimmed and no longer contain the adaptor sequence.
  2. The alignments directory will contain needed BAM/SAM files generated from preprocessed FASTQ files.
  3. The counts directory will contain .count text files with transcript counts.
  4. The reference directory will contain the reference genome FASTA and GTF annotation along with the aligner built index.
  5. pipeline.log file will contain a detailed log from the index build, read alignment and alignments count steps.

Not all the directories will exist in your setting, depending on the input files you specified. For instance, if you provide raw counts, no pipeline.log file, alignment, fastq or counts directories will be created.

Output filenames in these directories are built from the name column in metadata.tsv file, with their corresponding suffix (.fastq, .bam, .count, ...).

Pipeline run example

In this example, we are going to download a real ribosome profiling dataset from the SRA database in which we are going to explore genes showing translational control. Usually, you start from a GEO dataset accession number you find in some publication. Mapping this accession number to real sequencing files can be a bit tedious and is totally out of the scope of this document, but it is important that you can do this. Here it is a step by step description of how to do it.

Install required software

To download samples from the SRA database, we are going to need some software. Entrez Direct and SRA toolkit. Linux and MacOS users used to Linuxbrew/ Homebrew just have to

```{bash install_requirements_1, eval = FALSE, prompt = TRUE} brew install edirect sratoolkit

### Select an example dataset

Here we are going to use a dataset already explored in the literature. We will
analyze mRNA translation efficiency with data from the `GSE99920` dataset
studied in a paper by *Chen et al* entitled [Development of a tissue-specific ribosome profiling approach in Drosophila enables genome-wide evaluation of translational adaptations](

For this example, we will analyze the differences in the TOR-overexpressed
samples versus the wild type samples.

### Download FASTQ files

First, we want to explore all dataset samples from the Bash command line:

```{bash explore_GSE}
mkdir -p assets/example
esearch -db gds -query 'GSE99920[ACCN] AND GSM[ETYP]' < /dev/null \
  | efetch -format docsum \
  | xtract -pattern DocumentSummary \
           -element Accession,RelationType,TargetObject,title \
  > assets/example/dataset
cat assets/example/dataset

The third column in the above table is the accession number for the experimental condition described at the end. Let's pick up the accession numbers for the runs containing sequencing data for these experiments:

```{bash retrieve_SRR} cut -f3 assets/example/dataset | while read i do esearch -db sra -query "$i[ACC]" < /dev/null \ | efetch -format docsum \ | xtract -element Run@acc \ | tr '\t' ' ' done \ | paste - assets/example/dataset \ | awk -F'\t' -v OFS=',' '{ print $2 OFS $4 OFS $1 OFS $5 }' \ | sed -E 's/,([^,]*)$/,"\1"/' > assets/example/dataset_runs mv assets/example/dataset_runs assets/example/dataset cat assets/example/dataset

For this example, we will only work with ribosome and transcriptional profiling
files to assess differences between Tor-overexpressed and wild-type samples.
Therefore, we will ignore the rest of samples.

```{bash download_FASTQ}
mkdir -p assets/example/data
# Removes lines with samples we don’t want to analyze
sed '/(TRAP)/d;/GluRIIA/d' assets/example/dataset \
  | cut -f3 -d',' \
  | while read i        # This could be slow, you should have enough disk space
    if [ ! -e "assets/example/data/$i.fastq" ]; # Ensures downloading only once
      echo "Downloading $i.fastq";
      fastq-dump $i && mv $i.fastq assets/example/data/
      echo "File $i.fastq already exists."

Create a metadata.tsv file

Once FASTQ files have been downloaded, we have all we need to start our analysis. However, we still need to build our metadata.tsv file with our five mandatory columns.

```{bash metadata_tsv_build} sed '/(TRAP)/d;/GluRIIA/d' assets/example/dataset | awk -F',' -v OFS='\t' \ 'BEGIN { print "name" OFS "file" OFS "type" OFS "condition" OFS "comment" } $4 ~ /ribosome/ { type = "rpf" } $4 ~ /transcriptional/ { type = "rna" } $4 ~ /Tor-OE/ { condition = "TOR" } $4 ~ /wild type/ { condition = "WT" } { fastq = "data/" $3 ".fastq" if(system("[ -e assets/example/" fastq " ]") == 0) { print $1 OFS fastq OFS type OFS condition OFS $4 } }' \

assets/example/metadata.tsv cat assets/example/metadata.tsv

Our condition column will be `condition`.

### Run TranslaSeq

Now, we are ready to start R, load the TranslaSeq package and start the

gtf <- ""
fa <- ""
res <- TranslaSeq(metadata = "metadata.tsv", refname = "dmel_r6.18",
                  gtffile = gtf, fafile = fa, ctrlabel = "WT",
                  condition = "condition", preprocess = FALSE,
                  threads = detectCores())

Then, we have the output results into the res object, ordered by p-value. The res object is a List where each item corresponds to a level of the condition factor. In this case, we only have the 'TOR' condition versus the control one.


Pipeline log for this example

A full log with the alignment and the counting steps output should have been written into the pipeline.log file.

```{bash pipeline_log, prompt = TRUE} ls -lh assets/example/TranslaSeq.out/pipeline.log

## SessionInfo


franciscodavid/TranslaSeq documentation built on May 16, 2019, 7:11 p.m.