ML.Local.lm: ML.Local.lm

Description Usage Format Methods


Initializes a linear model (glm) for locally training an estimator. This uses the normal GLM implementation as provided by the R stats package.




An object of class R6ClassGenerator of length 24.


initialize(learning.rate = 0.1, family = "binomial", initialization.random = FALSE)

Initializes a new generalized linear model to use in the online super learner.

@param learning.rate double (default = 0.1) the learning rate to use when training the model.

@param family string (default = "binomial") the family to use for the estimator. Generally this should be binomial (since we are running various logistic regressions). However, if you have a good reason to use a different specification, change it here.

@param initialization.random (default = FALSE) each of the parameters needs to have an intial state. If this argument is true, all parameters will be randomly initialized.

@param verbose (default = FALSE) the verbosity of the fitting procedure


Active Method. Determines whether the current specification is valid or not. Note that this function does not return anything, instead it throws whenever something is incorrect.

frbl/OnlineSuperLearner documentation built on Feb. 9, 2020, 9:28 p.m.