
rdss is an R-shiny application for making sex estimation somewhat easier. The global approach follows the philosophy of "diagnose sexuelle secondaire", described by Murail et. al (1999).

Feature requests or bug reports are welcome.




This R package has been extensively described and documented in an article published in the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. This article can be seen as the official (and the main) documentation of rdss.

Video tutorial

A video tutorial, illustrating the main features of rdss, is available on Vimeo. This video presents an older version of rdss (v0.9.7); some slight changes in the user interface have been made in the newest version.

Package vignette

A package vignette is available for those users who would also like to use rdss internal functions in R scripts, for performing sex estimation through the command line. The package vignette can be consulted by running the following command into the R console:

vignette(package = "rdss", topic = "intro_rdss")

Installation of the R package rdss from GitLab

This R package is still at an early stage of development, and is not (yet) hosted on CRAN.

Install prerequisites

  1. Make sure that Git and a recent version of R (newer than 4.0.0) are installed.

  2. Install the R package remotes by typing the following command line into the R console:

r install.packages("remotes")

  1. Install build environment:
    • Linux: no additional operation required.
    • OSX: install XCODE.
    • Windows: install the latest version of Rtools. In particular, make sure to follow the steps of the section "Putting Rtools on the PATH" from the help page.

Install rdss

Run the following command in R:

remotes::install_git('', build_vignette = TRUE)

If you go through an error or want a lighter install because you will not use rdss through the command line interface, you can alternatively run:

remotes::install_git('', build_vignette = FALSE)

Run rdss

To start the graphical interface, run the following commands into the R console:


Citing rdss in a scientific article

Citation info can be found by executing the following instruction into the R console:



rdss is available under a CeCILL 2.1 free software license.

frederic-santos/rdss documentation built on March 25, 2023, 5:25 p.m.