
# making table data sets

#############benchmark 43
catalog <- read.table(text=
"supplier_key part_id
S1 P1
S1 P4
S1 P2
S2 P2
S2 P3
S3 P5
S4 P3
S4 P6
S5 P4
S5 P2
S6 P4
S7 P6
S8 P5
S8 P2
S9 P1
S9 P2
S9 P6
S10 P6", header=T)

parts <- read.table(text=
"part_id color
P1 red
P2 green
P3 yellow
P4 red
P5 green
P6 blue", header=T)

suppliers <- read.table(text=
"supplier_key sname
S1 SN1
S2 SN2
S3 SN3
S4 SN4
S5 SN5
S6 SN6
S7 SN7
S8 SN8
S9 SN9
S10 SN10", header=T)

# write.csv(catalog, "sql/catalog.csv", row.names=FALSE)

# catalog <- read.csv("sql/catalog.csv", check.names = FALSE)
# fctr.cols <- sapply(catalog, is.factor)
# int.cols <- sapply(catalog, is.integer)
# catalog[, fctr.cols] <- sapply(catalog[, fctr.cols], as.character)
# catalog[, int.cols] <- sapply(catalog[, int.cols], as.numeric)
# save(catalog, file = "sql/catalog.rdata")

# write.csv(suppliers, "sql/suppliers.csv", row.names=FALSE)

# suppliers <- read.csv("sql/suppliers.csv", check.names = FALSE)
# fctr.cols <- sapply(suppliers, is.factor)
# int.cols <- sapply(suppliers, is.integer)
# suppliers[, fctr.cols] <- sapply(suppliers[, fctr.cols], as.character)
# suppliers[, int.cols] <- sapply(suppliers[, int.cols], as.numeric)
# save(suppliers, file = "sql/suppliers.rdata")

# write.csv(parts, "sql/parts.csv", row.names=FALSE)

# parts <- read.csv("sql/parts.csv", check.names = FALSE)
# fctr.cols <- sapply(parts, is.factor)
# int.cols <- sapply(parts, is.integer)
# parts[, fctr.cols] <- sapply(parts[, fctr.cols], as.character)
# parts[, int.cols] <- sapply(parts[, int.cols], as.numeric)
# save(parts, file = "sql/parts.rdata")

input=inner_join(parts,catalog) %>% inner_join(suppliers)
write.csv(input, "data-raw/s20_input1.csv", row.names=FALSE)
s20_input1 <- read.csv("data-raw/s20_input1.csv", check.names = FALSE)
fctr.cols <- sapply(s20_input1, is.factor)
int.cols <- sapply(s20_input1, is.integer)
s20_input1[, fctr.cols] <- sapply(s20_input1[, fctr.cols], as.character)
s20_input1[, int.cols] <- sapply(s20_input1[, int.cols], as.numeric)
save(s20_input1, file = "data/s20_input1.rdata")

df1=inner_join(parts,catalog) %>%
	inner_join(suppliers) %>%
	filter(color == "green") %>%
df2=inner_join(parts,catalog) %>%
	inner_join(suppliers) %>%
	filter(color == "red") %>%
write.csv(output, "data-raw/s20_output1.csv", row.names=FALSE)
s20_output1 <- read.csv("data-raw/s20_output1.csv", check.names = FALSE)
fctr.cols <- sapply(s20_output1, is.factor)
int.cols <- sapply(s20_output1, is.integer)
s20_output1[, fctr.cols] <- sapply(s20_output1[, fctr.cols], as.character)
s20_output1[, int.cols] <- sapply(s20_output1[, int.cols], as.numeric)
save(s20_output1, file = "data/s20_output1.rdata")

# 5.2.8
# the output table from the sql paper is wrong!
df1=inner_join(parts,catalog) %>%
	inner_join(suppliers) %>%
	filter(color == "green") %>%
df2=inner_join(parts,catalog) %>%
	inner_join(suppliers) %>%
	filter(color == "red") %>%
fredfeng/MorpheusData documentation built on May 16, 2019, 2:42 p.m.