Man pages for freuerde/puzzle
Collection and customisation of pre-existing functions

change_themeChanges the RStudio-theme
cormatHeatmap and ordered table of pairwise correlations
crnt_pathReturns the path to folder of the current R-script
current_pathReturns the path to folder of the current R-script
ggcolReturns ggplot2 default colour-codes
ggfluctFluctuation plot
ggmosaicMosaic plot in ggplot-style
googleDirect Google-search
load_pkgsLoads and installs multiple packages at once
mkd_lm_resultsCreates a markdown document showing the linear regression...
mkd_lm_verifCreates a markdown document to validate linear model...
open_all_files_inOpens all disred files in a folder
opendirFile access direclty from R
plot_missingsPositions and number of missings within a dataset
replace_umlauteReplaces german umlaute
rowwise_naRowwise missing values
tbl1Table 1 for epidemiological purposes
varnamesVariable names of a dataset with a substring of interest
verif_lmAdvanced residual plots and tests for linear models
freuerde/puzzle documentation built on March 27, 2022, 5:30 p.m.