datapackage.r v1.3.4

update profiles and httptest::with_mock_api

datapackage.r v1.3.3

update profiles

datapackage.r v1.3.2

keep profiles up to date

datapackage.r v1.3.1

keep profiles up to date

datapackage.r v1.3

add dialects, validate, filter dialect accoriding to js current version

datapackage.r v1.2

add Makefile, files to buildignore

datapackage.r v1.1

keep profiles up to date -

datapackage.r v1.0

The library based on the Frictionless Data specs v1 -

datapackage.r v0.1

First stable version of the library.

datapackage.r v0.0.0.9000

helpers, errors, validate, profile, resource functions

frictionlessdata/datapackage-r documentation built on Dec. 28, 2021, 8:42 a.m.