Abortion: Abortion Opinion Data

AbortionR Documentation

Abortion Opinion Data


Opinions about abortion classified by gender and SES




A 3-dimensional array resulting from cross-tabulating 3 variables for 1100 observations. The variable names and their levels are:

No Name Levels
1 Sex "Female", "Male"
2 Status "Lo", "Hi"
3 Support_Abortion "Yes", "No"


Support_Abortion is a natural response variable.

The combinations of Sex and Status represent four independent samples, having fixed Sex-Status marginal totals. There were 500 females and 600 males. Within the female group, 250 of low status and 250 of high status were sampled. Similarly for the males, with 300 in each of the low and high status sub-groups.

This is an example of a product-multinomial sampling scheme. the Sex:Status association must be included in any loglinear model where the goal is to determine how attitude toward abortion depends on the others.

Alternatively, a logit model for abortion support may provide a simpler analysis.


Christensen, R. (1990). Log-Linear Models, New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, p. 92, Example 3.5.2.

Christensen, R. (1997). Log-Linear Models and Logistic Regression, New York, NY: Springer, p. 100, Example 3.5.2.



mosaic(Abortion, shade=TRUE)

# stratified by Sex
fourfold(aperm(Abortion, 3:1))
# stratified by Status
fourfold(aperm(Abortion, c(3,1,2)))

friendly/vcdExtra documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 6:21 a.m.