rNest: Calling rNest's User Interface

Description Usage Details Value Note Author(s) See Also


These functions call the user tcltk interface as well as the nestwatch data, nesting parameters and bird grouping characteristics




The function rNest is used to call the english interface and rNid is used to call the french interface.

Information on how to use the interface is partly contained in the different menus and buttons.

When using the rNest function, the NestWatch data (nestwatch) is called first, then nesting parameters (nestingparameters) and bird groupings (birdgroupings) and finally the user interface appears with its different menus. Both functions use the rNest_tcltk function internal to the package.


Opens the tcltk interface of rNest


Currently, a bug in tcltk causes R and the user interface to crash when regions are selected interactively on a plot and the plot is prematurely closed before ending the selection. To prevent the crash, always end any selection by using the right button of the mouse and choosing the stop option displayed. Similarly, interrupting a long calculation is currently causing the same type of problem.


Francois Rousseu <francoisrousseu@hotmail.com>

See Also

To be described

frousseu/rNest documentation built on May 16, 2019, 3:32 p.m.