
#' Handling and Analysing CMB data
#'The package \code{\link{rcosmo}} offers various tools for
#' \item{Downloading and transforming Cosmic Microwave Background
#' radiation (CMB) and spherical data}
#' \item{Working with Hierarchical Equal Area
#' isoLatitude Pixelation of a sphere (Healpix)}
#' \item{Spherical geometry}
#' \item{Statistical analysis of CMB and spherical data}
#' \item{Visualisation of Healpix data}
#' }
#' Most of \code{\link{rcosmo}} features were developed for CMB,
#' but it can also be used for other spherical data. It contains
#' tools for transforming spherical data in cartesian and geographic
#' coordinates to the Healpix representation.
#'@section Update: Current updates are available through
#' URL: https://github.com/frycast/rcosmo
#'@section  BugReports: https://github.com/frycast/rcosmo/issues
#'@description Handling and Analysing Spherical, Healpix and Cosmic Microwave Background
#' data on a HEALPix grid.
#'@author Daniel Fryer \email{d.fryer@latrobe.edu.au},
#'Andriy Olenko \email{a.olenko@latrobe.edu.au}, Ming Li \email{Ming.Li@latrobe.edu.au},
#'Yuguang Wang.
#'@docType package
#'@name rcosmo
#'@importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#'@useDynLib rcosmo, .registration = TRUE
#'@aliases rcosmo-package
frycast/rcosmo documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 5:21 p.m.