
R package containing various minor utilities for the ENPADASI project This package contains currently one utility to help with uploading data to the Phenotype Database (also known as dbNP)

How to use

There is currently only one function that will take a long format data file and convert into a data file specially formatted for upload to dbNP


The input data file must have a format similar to the following. It is important that both visit and time are numeric variable that indicate the time of measurements. If visit number does not correspond to actual time another variable (visit_time) must be provided that indicates the actual time.

ID  visit  time       treatment
1     1       0         control
1     1      20         control
1     1      40         control
1     1      60         control
2     1       0    intervention
2     1      20    intervention
2     1      40    intervention
2     1      60    intervention
3     1       0         control
3     1      20         control
3     1      40         control
3     1      60         control
...  ...    ...             ...

fsando/REnpadasiUtils documentation built on May 6, 2019, 6 p.m.