Man pages for fsotoc/grtools
General Recognition Theory tools for the analysis of perceptual independence

grt_hm_fitFit a hierarchy of traditional GRT models to identification...
grtools-packageGeneral recognition theory tools for the analysis of...
grt_wind_fitFit a GRT-wIND model to identification data
grt_wind_fit_parallelFit a GRT-wIND model to data several times in parallel
hessfixhessfix. Find hessian with fixed parameters
lr_testRun likelihood ratio tests of separability and independence
optifixoptifix. Optimise with fixed parameters
plot.grt_hm_fitPlot a 'grt_hm_fit' object
plot.grt_wind_fitPlot a 'grt_wind_fit' object
sumstats_garnerPerform a summary statistics analysis of data from a Garner...
sumstats_macroPerform a summary statistics macroanalysis of identification...
sumstats_microPerform a summary statistics microanalysis of identification...
waldRun Wald tests of separability and independence
fsotoc/grtools documentation built on Nov. 15, 2020, 5:14 a.m.