atena-package: atena: analysis of transposable elements in R and...

atena-packageR Documentation

atena: analysis of transposable elements in R and Bioconductor


The atena package provides a complete re-implementation in R of three existing methods for the quantification of transposable element (TE) expression in order to facilitate its integration into Bioconductor workflows for the analysis of RNA-seq data. The three methods are TEtranscripts (Jin et al. (2015)), ERVmap (Tokuyama et al. (2018)) and Telescope (Bendall et al.(2019)).


The main functions are:

  • TEtranscriptsParam - build parameter objects of the class TEtranscriptsParam-class for the TEtranscripts expression quantification method

  • ERVmapParam - build parameter objects of the class ERVmapParam-class for the ERVmap expression quantification method

  • TelescopeParam - build parameter objects of the class TelescopeParam-class for the Telescope expression quantification method

  • qtex - call the TE expression quantification method using a previously built parameter object

For detailed information on usage, see the package vignette, by typing vignette("atena").

All questions and bug reports should be posted to the Bioconductor Support Site:

The code of the development version of the package is available at the GitHub repository:


Maintainer: Beatriz Calvo-Serra



Jin Y et al. TEtranscripts: a package for including transposable elements in differential expression analysis of RNA-seq datasets. Bioinformatics. 2015;31(22):3593-3599. DOI:

Tokuyama M et al. ERVmap analysis reveals genome-wide transcription of human endogenous retroviruses. PNAS. 2018;115(50):12565-12572. DOI:

Bendall et al. Telescope: characterization of the retrotranscriptome by accurate estimation of transposable element expression. PLOS Comp. Biol. 2019;15(9):e1006453. DOI:

See Also

Useful links:

functionalgenomics/atena documentation built on Feb. 3, 2025, 4:43 p.m.