
#' Generate the URI to request Data from
#' @param source URI for Base Query
#' @param dataset Dataset that is requested
#' @param fileType the file type of the data
#' @param fileDate date of file to retrive.
#' @return URI of file for retrival
generateURIforData <- function(source="http://ea-edubase-api-prod.azurewebsites.net/edubase", dataset = "edubasealldata",fileType ="csv",fileDate = calculateFileDate())



#' Calulate File Date
#' @param date current date or date thta wants calculating for retrival
#' @param dateFormat format to reshape the date.
#' @return Posix that has current date rearranged
calculateFileDate <- function(date = Sys.Date(), dateFormat ="%Y%m%d")
  format(date,dateFormat) #Format Date in given spec..... allow string for future stuff

#' Not IN
#' @param x
#' @param y
#' @return Logical
'%!in%' <- function(x,y)
fusionet24/UKEducationData documentation built on May 29, 2019, 11:42 a.m.