deferred: Deferred value

deferredR Documentation

Deferred value


Deferred value


dx <- deferred$new(action = NULL, on_progress = NULL, on_cancel = NULL,
         parents = NULL, parent_resolve = NULL, parent_reject = NULL,
         type = NULL)
dx$cancel(reason = "Cancelled")


  • action: Function to call when the deferred value starts running. it needs to have at least two arguments: resolve and reject, and the third progress argument is optional. See details below.

  • on_progress: A function to call to report progress. See details below.

  • on_cancel: A function to call when the deferred is cancelled. See details below.

  • parents: A list of deferred values that will be the parents of the deferred value being created. If some of them are already owned, an error is thrown.

  • parent_resolve: A function to call when a parent is resolved. See details below.

  • parent_reject: A function to call when a parent throws an error. See details below.

  • type: A label that can be used to indicate the type of the deferred value to create. This might be useful for debugging, but otherwise it is not used.

  • on_fulfilled: Function to call when the parent deferred is resolved. Essentially this is the parent_resolve function of the then() deferred.

  • ... Error handlers, as in tryCatch(), see details below.

  • on_finally: Function to call, after the deferred value is resolved or after it has thrown an error. It will be called without arguments.

  • reason Error message or error object that will be used to cancel the deferred.

Deferred values

Asynchronous computation is represented by deferred values. A deferred value is an R6 object.

deferred$new(action = NULL, on_progress = NULL, on_cancel = NULL,
   parents = NULL, parent_resolve = NULL, parent_reject = NULL,
   type = NULL)

Creates a new deferred value. action is a function that is called once the deferred value is started (i.e. not when dx is created). It must have one or two arguments: resolve, or resolve and progress It should call resolve when it is done, with the final value of the deferred as the argument. (See examples below.) If it has two arguments, then the second one is a callback function for creating progress bars. The deferred value may report its progress through this function. See details in the Progress bars section below.

action is called when the evaluation of the deferred value is started. Only deferred values that are needed to calculate the value of the async phase, are evaluated. (See also Lazy Evaluation below.)

Note that action is optional, for some deferred values, no action is takes when they are started. (These typically depend on their parent nodes.)

on_cancel is a function that is called without arguments when a deferred value is cancelled. This includes explicit cancellation by calling its ⁠$cancel()⁠ method, or auto-cancellation (see below).

parents is a list of deferred values that need to be computed before the current deferred value. When a parent deferred is resolved, the parent_resolve function is called. When a parent referred throws an error, the parent_reject' function is called.

parent_resolve is a function with (up to) two arguments: value and resolve. It will be called with the value of the parent, the resolve callback of the deferred. parent_resolve can resolve the deferred by calling the supplied resolve callback, or it can keep waiting on other parents and/or external computation. It may throw an error to fail the deferred.

parent_resolve allows some shorthands as well:

  • NULL: the deferred is resolved with the value of the parent.

  • A function with no arguments: this function is called, and the deferred resolves to its return value.

  • A function with one argument: this function is called with the value of the parent as the argument, and the deferred is resolved to its return value.

  • A function with arguments value and resolve. This function is called with the value of the parent, and the resolve callback of the deferred.

parent_reject is a function with (up to) two arguments: value, resolve. It will be called with the error object thrown by the parent.

parent_resolve can resolve the deferred by calling the supplied resolve callback, or it can keep waiting on other parents and/or external computation. It may throw an error to fail the deferred. It may also re-throw the error received from the parent, if it does not wish to handle it.

parent_reject also accepts some shorthands as well:

  • NULL: the deferred throws the same error as the parent.

  • A function with no arguments: this function is called, and the deferred resolves to its return value.

  • A function with one argument: this function is called with the value of the parent as the argument, and the deferred is resolved to its return value.

  • A function with arguments value and resolve. This function is called with the value of the parent, and the resolve callback of the deferred.

  • A list of named error handlers, corresponding to the error handlers of ⁠$catch()⁠ (and tryCatch()). If these error handlers handle the parent's error, the deferred is resolved with the result of the handlers. Otherwise the deferred will be failed with the parent's error. The error handlers may also throw a new error.

Error handling

The action function of the deferred, and also the parent_resolve and parent_reject handlers may throw errors if the deferred cannot be computed. Errors can be handled wit the ⁠$catch()⁠ member function:


It takes the same named error handler arguments as tryCatch().

Technically, ⁠$catch()⁠ creates a new deferred value, and this new deferred value is resolved to the result of the error handlers. Of the handlers do not handle the error, then the new deferred will fail with the same error.

The ⁠$finally()⁠ method can be used to run create finalizer code that runs when a deferred is resolved or when it fails. It can be used to close database connections or other resources:


Technically, ⁠$finally()⁠ creates a new deferred, which will resolve or fail the same way as the original one, but before doing that it will call the on_finally function with no arguments.

Builtin async functions

The async package comes with some basic async functions:

  • delay() sets a timer and then resolves to TRUE.

  • async_constant() resolves successfully to its argument.

  • http_get() and http_head() make HTTP GET and HEAD requests.

Combining async values

Async computation (just like ordinary sync computation) usually consists of several steps that needs to be performed in the specified order. The ⁠$then()⁠ method specifies that a step of computation needs to be performed after the deferred value is known:


on_fulfilled is a function with zero or one formal arguments. It will be called once the result of the deferred is known, with its result. (The result is omitted if it has no arguments).

⁠$then()⁠ creates another deferred value, that will resolve to the result of the on_fulfilled callback. Should this callback return with a deferred value, then ⁠$then()⁠ the deferred value will be a child of this newly creted deferred, and only resolve after that.

See also when_all(), when_some() and when_any(), which can combine multiple deferred values into one.

You cannot call ⁠$then()⁠ (or when_any(), when_all(), etc. on the same deferred value multiple times, unless it is a shared deferred value. See Ownership below.

The async_reflect(), async_retry(), async_sequence(), async_timeout(), async_until() and async_whilst() functions are helpers for more complex async control flow.


async follows a strong ownership model. Each deferred value must be owned by exactly one other deferred value (unless they are shared, see below).

After a dx2 <- dx$then() call, the dx deferred is owned by the newly created deferred value. (The same applied to when_any(), etc.) This means that it is not possible to call ⁠$then()⁠ on the same deferred value multiple times. The deferred value that is synchronized by calling synchronise() on it, is owned by synchronise(), see Synchronization below.

The deferred values of an async phase form a directed graph, which we call the async DAG (directed, acyclic graph). Usually (when no deferred is shared, see below), this DAG is a rooted tree, the root of the tree is the synchronised deferred, the final result of the async phase.

Shared Deferred Values

In the rare cases when the strong ownership model is too restrictive, a deferred value can be marked as shared:


This has the following implications:

  • A shared deferred value can have multiple children (owners) in the async DAG.

  • A shared deferred value is started after its first child is started.

  • A shared deferred value is not auto-cancelled when all of its children are finished. (Because it might have more children in the future.)

  • A shared deferred value is still auto-cancelled at the end of the event loop.

Use shared deferred values sparingly, only when they are really needed, as they forbid auto-cancellation, so deferred values will hold on to resources longer, until the async phase is finished.


async allows embedding asynchronous computation in synchronous code. The execution of such a program has a sync phase and async phases. When the program starts, it is in the sync phase. In the sync phase you cannot create deferred values. (But you can still define (async) functions, that will create deferred values when called.)

To enter into an async phase, call synchronise() on an expression that evaluates to a deferred value. The async phase will last until this deferred value is computed or an error is thrown (and the error reaches synchronise()).

synchronise() creates an event loop, which manages the computation of the deferred values in this particular async phase.

Async phases can be embedded into each other. I.e. a program may call synchronise() while in the async phase. The outer async phase's event loop then stops until the inner async phase terminates. Deferred values cannot be passed through a synchronise() barrier, to anoter (sync or async phase). Should this happen, an error is reported on the first operation on the leaked deferred value.

In a typical application, a function is implemented asynchronously, and then used synchronously by the interactive user, or another piece of synchronous code, via synchronise() calls. The following example makes three HTTP requests in parallel:

http_status3 <- function() {
  http_status <- function(url) {
    http_get(url)$then(function(response) response$status_code)
  r1 <- http_status("")
  r2 <- http_status("")
  r3 <- http_status("")
  when_all(r1, r2, r3)

This async function can also be used asychronously, as a parent of another deferred value, in an async phase.

Lazy evaluation

async does not evaluate deferred values that are not part of the async DAG of the async phase. These are clearly not needed to compute the result of the async phase, so it would be a waste of resources working on them. (It is also unclear how their errors should be handled.)

In the following example, d1 and d2 are created, but they are not part of the async DAG, so they are never evaluated.

do <- function() {
  d1 <- delay(1/100)$then(function() print("d1"))
  d2 <- d1$then(function() print("d2"))
  d3 <- delay(1/100)$then(function() print("d3"))
  d4 <- d3$then(function() print("d4"))


The computation of a deferred can be cancelled when it is not needed any more:

dx$cancel(reason = "Cancelled")

This will fail the children of the deferred, unless they have been completed already. It will also auto-cancel the parent DAG of the deferred, unless they are shared deferreds, see the next Section.


In an async phase, it might happen that parts of the async DAG are not needed for the final result any more. E.g. if a parent of a when_all() node throws an error, then the other parents don't have to be computed. In this case the event loop of the phase automatically cancels these deferred values. Similarly, if a single parent of a when_any() node is resolved, the other parents can be cancelled.

In general, if a node of the async DAG is resolved, the whole directed DAG, rooted at that node, can be cancelled (except for nodes that were already resolved and nodes that have already failed).

Auto-cancellation is very convenient, as you can be sure that resources are free as soon as they are not needed. Some practical examples:

  • Making HTTP requests to many mirror web sites, to check their response time. As soon as the first reply is in, the rest of the HTTP requests are cancelled.

  • In multi-process computation, as soon as one process fails, the rest are automatically cancelled. (Unless the failure is handled, of course.)

async also has another type of cancellation, when synchronise() is interrupted externally, either by the user or some system error. In this case all processes and resources that were created in the event loop, are cancelled and freed.

Shared deferred values (see ⁠$share()⁠) are not auto-cancelled when their children are resolved or errored, but they are always cancelled at the end of the async phase.

Progress bars

A deferred value may report on its progress, if its action has a progress callback. The progress callback is called with a list that describes and event. We suggest that it always has an event entry, which is a simple string. The rest of the list entries can be defined as needed, but typically there will be a counter counting ticks, or a ratio describing what part of the computation is already. See http_get() for an async function that reports progress.

Collections helper functions

async provides some utilities that make it easier to deal with collections of deferred values:

The current iterators:

  • async_map() applies an async function to all elements of a vector or list (collection).

  • async_detect() finds an element of a collection that passed an async truth test.

  • async_every() checks if every element of a collection satisfies an async predicate. async_some() checks if any element does that.

  • async_filter() keeps elements that pass an async truth test.

Control flow helper functions

Control flow with deferred values can be challenging. Some helpers:

  • async_reflect() creates an async function that always succeeds. This is useful if you want to apply it to a collection, and don't want to stop at the first error.

  • async_retry() tries an async function a number of times. async_retryable() turns a regular function into a retryable one.

  • async_sequence() chains two async functions. Calling their sequence is equivalent calling '$then()' on them, but async_sequence() is easier to use programmatically.

  • async_until() and async_whilst() let you call an async function repeatedly, until or while a (syncronous) condition holds.

  • async_timeout() runs an async function with a timeout.


Please see the README and the vignettes for examples.

gaborcsardi/async documentation built on Nov. 20, 2024, 4:51 p.m.