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This package is no longer maintained. Please refer to the Distributacalcul_Package.

To download this R package on your R session, copy-paste the next code line (the package devtools is necessary) :



This R package was created in the first place to calculate more quickly and easily a lot of formulas (mean, variance, VaR, TVaR, stop-loss function, etc.) related to popular probability distributions, such as :

And also some Mortality laws, like

Formulas convention

I've tried to make the package pretty simple to use, the syntax is based on quite the same as some popular R package, like the stats or actuar packages :

|Formulas | code| |:-----------:|-----------------| |Mean |E_<distribution> | |Variance |V_<distribution> | |stop loss |SL_<distribution> | |Limited expected value |Elim_<distribution> | |truncated mean |Etronq_<distribution> | |Value-at-Risk |VaR_<distribution> | |Tail Value-at-Risk |TVaR_<distribution> | |Mean Excess-loss |Mexcess_<distribution> |

Specifications for Life insurance

For probability laws used in life insurance, there is a special annotation (not much different from the one above) :

|Formulas | code| |:-----------:|-----------------| |Mortality force |h<distribution> | |density function |d<distribution> | |cumulative density function (cdf) |p<distribution> | |survival function (cdf) |s<distribution> |


|Date | Modifications| |:-----------:|:---------:| |24/02/2018 | Intial commit of the package| |27/02/2018 | adding binomial, uniform and exponential laws| |04/03/2018 | adding beta distribution| |06/03/2018 | adding Lognormal distribution| |06/04/2018 | adding Pareto, Burr and Normal (E[X] & Var(X)) distribution| |16/04/2018 | adding Gompertz & TVaR function for binomial and poisson| |11/12/2018 | create website to vizualise tvarPackage help|

gabrielcrepeault/tvarPackage documentation built on April 21, 2020, 3:25 p.m.