
This is a small demonstration of the dropdownButton module. A global button_options contains the labels (as names) and input IDs for the dropdown button elements.


The UI element is created with dropdownButtonUI(). The id parameter links the dropdown button UI to the dropdown module on the server side. The label parameter specifies the text on the "master" button. The button can be either a "dropdown" or "dropup" button, set with type. Finally, additional classes for and the id of the dropdown button element can be specified with class and buttonId, respectively.


On the server side, the Shiny module is created with

last_clicked <- callModule(dropdownButton, id, options = button_options)

where both id and options need to match the values of those arguments to dropdownButtonUI(). The module returns the value of the most recently selected button, updated on each button click. The returned value is a reactive that needs to be referenced within a reactive context.

gadenbuie/shinyThings documentation built on Nov. 24, 2019, 6:56 p.m.