shrtcts R Format

Use the following template to organize your .shrtcts.R. You can write each shortcut in regular R code, annotated with roxygen2 inline documentation comments. The comment format uses standard roxygen2 formatting, with a few additional roxygen tags specifically for shrtcts

#' Say Something Nice
#' A demo of cool things.
#' @interactive
#' @shortcut Ctrl+Alt+P

roxygen2 Tags

shrtcts recognizes the following roxygen tags. Tags are optional unless otherwise specified.

Non-interactive addins are run in the background, without alerting the user and without providing a mechanism for the user to cancel the function.

If the shortcut is interactive and calls a function stored in another package, the code to execute the function will be displayed in the console, rather than the placeholder shortcut from shrtcts.

gadenbuie/shrtcts documentation built on Dec. 31, 2022, 6:23 p.m.