Man pages for gadget-framework/gadgetutils
Tools to create and maintain gadget3 models

add_g3_attributesAdd gadget3 attributes to an existing data frame
bind_fit_componentsCombine individual elements from multiple objects
check_params_outInternal function to check whether g3_optim has succeeded or...
estimate_weightsShortcut weights
estimate_weights_adistResidual variance for abundance distributions
estimate_weights_cdistResidual variance for catch distributions
eval_boundedConvert normalised bounded form back to value
extract_year_stepExtracts year and step columns
g3_add_parscaleAdded parscale to a parameter template. No longer needed.
g3_dataAggregate count data from a data frame to gadget3
g3_fitBuild output summary suitable for feeding into gadgetplots
g3_init_guessSet initial guesses for parameter values in g3_cpp parameter...
g3_iterativeIterative re-weighting
g3_iterative_setupInitial parameters for iterative re-weighting
g3_jitterJitter analysis
g3_leaveoutLeave-one-out analysis.
g3_lik_outLikelihood summary for a model run
g3_optimWrapper for stats::optim that returns the g3_cpp parameter...
g3_retroAnalytical retrospective
g3_stock_nameExtract parts from stock name
g3_update_weightsUpdates weights for second stage of iterative re-weighting
init_abundGenerate parameterised g3a_initial_abund
init_sdGenerate parameterised initial conditions
jitter_paramsCreates a jittered g3_tmb parameter template
model_actionsGenerate a standard set of model actions
mohnrhoGenerate parameterised g3a_initial_abund
pipePipe operator
read.g3.paramReads a file from write.g3.file to an object. Now...
run_g3_optimWrapper for g3_optim. This is an internal function used by...
stock_renewalGenerate paramerterised stock renewal factor
stock_speciesExtract species name from stock
tabulate_SSCalculates likelihood component scores, including scores...
value_from_boundsConvert value into it's normalised form for use with...
write.g3.fileWrites an object to a file, typically just used within...
write.g3.paramA wrapper for write.g3.file that formats a gadget3 TMB...
gadget-framework/gadgetutils documentation built on Dec. 22, 2024, 12:42 a.m.