strrep: Duplicate Strings

View source: R/strrep.R

strrepR Documentation

Duplicate Strings


Concatenate a number of copies of each string.


strrep(x, times)

e1 %x*% e2


e1, x

character vector (or an object coercible to) whose elements are to be duplicated

e2, times

numeric vector giving the number of times to repeat the corresponding strings


Both arguments are recycled if necessary.

The `%x*%` operator mimics a vectorised version of Python's `*` for strings (str.__mul__).


A character vector (in UTF-8).

`%x*%` and strrep preserve object attributes in a similar way as other Arithmetic operators.

Differences from Base R

Replacement for base strrep implemented with stri_dup.

  • partial recycling with no warning "longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length" [fixed here]

  • base strrep seems to preserve only the names attribute, and only if the input is of type character (whilst paste preserves nothing) [fixed]

  • overloading `*.character` has no effect in R, because S3 method dispatch is done internally with hard-coded support for character arguments. We could have replaced the generic `*` with the one that calls UseMethod, but it feels like a too intrusive solution [fixed by introducing `%x+%` operator]


Marek Gagolewski

See Also

The official online manual of stringx at

Related function(s): paste, sprintf


x <- structure(c(A="a", B=NA, C="c"), attrib1="value1")
x %x*% 3
x %x*% 1:3
"a" %x*% 1:3
stringx::strrep(x, 3)
base::strrep(x, 3)
y <- matrix(1:6, nrow=2, dimnames=list(c("A", "B"), NULL))
y %x*% 1:2
stringx::strrep(y, 1:2)
base::strrep(y, 1:2)

gagolews/stringx documentation built on Jan. 15, 2025, 9:46 p.m.