Man pages for gajdosandrej/fdslrm
R package for modeling and prediction of time series using linear mixed models

BLUPBest Linear Unbiased Predictor
DOOLSE_orthDouble ordinary least squares estimates
drawDiagPlotsDraw diagnostic plots for FDSLRM
drawTableDraw table of FDSLRM parameters estimates and frequencies
fitDiagFDSLRMFitting and diagnostic of FDSLRM
genTSGenerate FDSLRM time series realization
genTS2Generate FDSLRM time series realization
helloHello, World!
initialFDSLRMInitialize R packages and functions
makeFDesign matrix for fixed effects in FDSLRM
makeM_FProjection matrix M_F
makeVDesign matrix for random effects in FDSLRM
MDOOLSE_orthModified double ordinary least squares estimates
mixedEstimating parameters of a linear mixed model (LMM) with a...
MLE_orthMaximum likelihood estimates
MNEModified natural estimates
MSE_BLUPMean Square Error of the Best Linear Unbiased Predictor
NENatural estimates
NNDOOLSENon-negative double ordinary least squares estimates
NNMDOOLSENon-negative modified double ordinary least squares estimates
REMLE_orthRestricted maximum likelihood estimates
gajdosandrej/fdslrm documentation built on April 28, 2020, 11:35 a.m.