Man pages for galder-max/RPlite
What the package does (short line)

compute.Statscompute Stats from scores and null distribution
construct.df.scoresconstruct data frame of scores for paired comparisons
correctlocalQvalfrom local to global q-values
find.pairsfinds all possible pairs of sample to compare
giveRPsymetricgives RP scores
giveRPsymetric.divideMatrixgives RP scores optimizing memory consumption
integrate.Results.Generalintegrate results of multiple RP outputs for meta-analysis
RPlite-packageRankProduct methodology. Meta-analysis of multiple datasets....
RPpairedRP paired
RP.symetricRP symetric & multicore
galder-max/RPlite documentation built on May 5, 2019, 3:49 a.m.