Man pages for galen211/msdr-capstone
Maps NOAA Earthquakes Dataset

download_NOAAFunction to download NOAA data (live download not yet...
eq_clean_dataCreates a DataFrame with filled in DATE value and properly...
eq_create_labelCreate earthquak label
eq_location_cleanCleans the LOCATION_NAME of a DataFrame containing NOAA data
eq_mapMap earthquak data to a leaflet tile
eq_read_raw_dataImports raw data from file
geom_timelineGeom for creating a timeline from earthquake data
geom_timeline_labelGeom for adding annotations to earthquake data displyed with...
setup_dataTop-level function to setup the data for analysis
stat_timelineStat for creating a timeline for earthquake data
stat_timeline_labelStat for creating a timeline for earthquake data labels
galen211/msdr-capstone documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:40 p.m.