
#' gpMCMC
#' This package is currently under developement.
#' The package provides the means for sampling from Posterior Distributions of Gaussian Processes
#' that use the Gaussian Correlation function.
#' This package also provides a function for computing the Fisher approximation to the covariance of this posterior likelihood distribution.
#' To be added:
#' 1. Additional priors: currently the only prior being used is the Exponential Prior
#' 2. Ability to make calls to gasp software so that posterior inference can be done in C.
#'    This will make functions mcmc_mvrnorm_2 and fitGauss functional (these functions are currently not functional)
#' 3. A plotting mechanism for plotting the samples against pairs of covariates.
#' 4. An "FBI-Sampling" method, for sampling from the Fischer Approximated distribution of hyper-parameters
#' @name gpMCMC
#' @docType package
galotalp/gpMCMC documentation built on May 16, 2019, 5:36 p.m.