Man pages for galuardi/analyzepsat
Microwave Telemtry PSAT analysis

analyzepsat-packageFunctions for Microwave Telemtry PSAT analysis
CI2shpExport confidence intervals of an estimated track to a...
fit2csvOutput a processed track to .csv files
get.bath.dataDownload bathymetry
get.blended.ukfDownload SST data and parse input files for ukfsst and...
getMWTarchRead in data from a Microwave Telemetry Inc. fish report from...
get.reynoldsDownload SST data and parse input files for ukfsst.
get.SSTSample Sea Surface Temperature values
ifitInterpolate a fitted kf object
kern2UDConvert a kernel density grid into a utiliation distribution
lon.match.sstLongitude Sea Surface Temperature matching
make.btrackBathymetric Correction
make.btrack.remBathymetric Correction where land points are removed
make.envConstruct vertical habitat envelopes for concurrent...
merge.hvMerge lat/long data with temperature and depth for Microwave...
merge.tzMerge temperature and depth records from individual tags
MWTextractRead in data from a Microwave Telemetry Inc. fish report from...
plot.btrackPlots an estimated track by month.
plot.SRSSPlot the sunrise and sunset times
plot.TZPlot either temperature or depth from a PSAT tag
plotTZprofilePlots the depth and temperature using the depth time series...
prepbMake a dataframe for bathymetric and/or longitudinal sst...
prepfGenerate an object for kftrack or kfsst (or ukfsst)...
prepf.archGenerate an object for kftrack or kfsst (or ukfsst)...
prep.wcTagbase to prepb object
tb2psatTagbase to psat or btrack object
track2KDGenerate a kernel density grid from a ukfsst or trackit...
track2shpExport an estimated track as a point shapefile
tracks.kmlPlot/animate finished tracks on Google Earth with satellite...
UD.areaCalculate area of UD
xyz2sstxyz2sst grid
galuardi/analyzepsat documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:25 p.m.