Man pages for gamlj/gamlj
GAMLj Suite for Linear Models

alternativesAlternative spelling of GAMLj main functions
anovaanova tests in GAMLj results
assumptionsAssumptions checking plots
beers_barsBeers at bars
clustermanymodelsMany Mixed Models
deviance.clmdeviance function for clm models
em_meansEstimated marginal means in GAMLj results
fivegroupsFive groups for contrasts
gamlj_glmGeneralized Linear Model
gamlj_gmixedGeneralized Mixed Model
gamlj_lmGeneral Linear Model
gamlj_mixedMixed Model
get_dataExtract data
hsbdemoSchool data for testing
jnplotGAMLj Johnson-Nayman plots
manymodelsMany Models Data
plotGAMLj plot
poissonactsPoisson data
posthocPost-hoc test on GAMLj results
predictPredicted values from GAMLj models
qsportSport data with curvilinear effects
residualsResiduals values from GAMLj models
s3methodsS3 methods for class jamovi ResultsElement
simple_effectsSimple Effects on GAMLj results
subjects_by_stimuliSubjects by stimuli cross-classification dataset
subjects_on_stimuliSubjects by stimuli nested classification dataset
test_contrastsCustom contrasts
updateUpdate a GAMLj model
vcov.gamljCoefficients covariances for a GAMLj model
wicksellDepression over time
gamlj/gamlj documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 11:07 a.m.