This repository contains an R package for multivariate, multiple regression extension of ash.

To install the mnmashr package,


If you do not have devtools or have no internet access, you need to obtain the source code, decompress the tarball and type make to install the package.

Running m&m analysis

The main function in the mnmashr is mnmash:

> ?mnmashr::mnmash

You can follow the example section of the documentation to run the program on an example data set.


Linear algebra support

If you get error message Cannot find lapack / openblas you need to install LAPACK and OpenBLAS libraries. On Debian Linux:

sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev


mnmashr requires compilers with OpenMP support. On Debian Linux:

sudo apt-get install libgomp1

gaow/mnmashr documentation built on May 16, 2019, 5:38 p.m.