
This vignette gives a brief overview of the FARS package functionality. The package contains a set of functions suited for analysis of data from FARS - Fatality Analysis Reporting System. FARS is a nationwide census providing NHTSA, Congress and the American public yearly data regarding fatal injuries suffered in motor vehicle traffic crashes. [1]

Package functions

There are three exported functions available to users:

Further we give a short description with examples how to use the functions. For the purposes of these examples we will use data from FARS, years 2013-2015, that can be found in the package directory under \extdata folder.

Read FARS data files

The function fars_read() provides a way how to read data from a file path provided as an argument. It returns a tibble with loaded data:

filename <- system.file("extdata/accident_2014.csv.bz2", package = "farreport")

makes FARS data file name from Year

The function make_filename() makes datafile name from year provided with pattern "accident_.csv.bz2".


Read FARS data file for provided year(s)

The function fars_read_years() reads datafile for provided year(s) and reurn data frame in Array format.

setwd(system.file("extdata", package = "farreport"))

Summarize number of accidents

The next function fars_summarize_years() takes a vector or list of years (numeric/integer values) as an argument and if the corresponding files with data are available, it returns a pivot table with number of accidents per year and month. The data files need to be located in the working directory.

setwd(system.file("extdata", package = "farreport"))

Plot accident locations

The last function available in the package, fars_map_state() takes a state index and year as arguments and returns a plot of the state with accident locations. The state indices need to correspond available indeces from the data set. Here are some examples:

setwd(system.file("extdata", package = "farreport"))
fars_map_state(45, 2015)

Note that again, the data file needs to be present in the working directory. Examples are setting working directory to package's extdata which contains sample data files.

garvish/datascience documentation built on May 16, 2019, 5:41 p.m.