anova_neat: Comparison of Multiple Means: ANOVA

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anova_neatR Documentation

Comparison of Multiple Means: ANOVA


Analysis of variance (ANOVA) F-test results with appropriate Welch's and epsilon corrections where applicable (unless specified otherwise), including partial eta squared effect sizes with confidence intervals (CIs), generalized eta squared, and inclusion Bayes factor based on matched models (BFs).


  within_ids = NULL,
  between_vars = NULL,
  ci = 0.9,
  norm_tests = "none",
  norm_plots = FALSE,
  var_tests = FALSE,
  bf_added = FALSE,
  bf_sample = 10000,
  test_title = "--- neat ANOVA ---",
  welch = TRUE,
  e_correction = NULL,
  type = 2,
  white.adjust = FALSE,
  hush = FALSE,
  plot_means = FALSE,



Data frame. Should contain all values (measurements/observations) in a single row per each subject.


Vector of strings; column name(s) in the data_per_subject data frame. Each column should contain a single dependent variable: thus, to test repeated (within-subject) measurements, each specified column should contain one measurement.


NULL (default), string, or named list. In case of no within-subject factors, leave as NULL. In case of a single within subject factor, a single string may be given to optionally provide custom name for the within-subject factor (note: this is a programming variable name, so it should not contain spaces, etc.); otherwise (if left NULL) this one within-subject factor will always just be named "within_factor". In case of multiple within-subject factors, each factor must be specified as a named list element, each with a vector of strings that distinguish the levels within that factors. The column names given as values should always contain one (and only one) of these strings within each within-subject factor, and thus they will be assigned the appropriate level. For example, values = 'rt_s1_neg, rt_s1_pos, rt_s2_neg, rt_s2_pos' could have within_ids = list( session = c('s1', 's2'), valence = c('pos', 'neg'). (Note: the strings for distinguishing must be unambiguous. E.g., for values apple_a and apple_b, do not set levels c('a','b'), because 'a' is also found in apple_b. In this case, you could choose levels c('_a','_b') to make sure the values are correctly distinguished.) See also Examples.


NULL (default; in case of no between-subject factors) or vector of strings; column name(s) in the data_per_subject data frame. Each column should contain a single between-subject independent variable (representing between-subject factors).


Numeric; confidence level for returned CIs. (Default: .9; Lakens, 2014; Steiger, 2004.)


Normality tests for the pooled ANOVA residuals ("none" by default, giving no tests). Any or all of the following character input is accepted (as a single string or a character vector; case-insensitive): "W" (Shapiro-Wilk), "K2" (D'Agostino), "A2" (Anderson-Darling), "JB" (Jarque-Bera); see norm_tests. The option "all" (or TRUE) selects all four previous tests at the same time.


If TRUE, displays density, histogram, and Q-Q plots (and scatter plots for paired tests) for the pooled residuals.


Logical, FALSE by default. If TRUE (and there are any between-subject factors), runs variance equality tests via var_tests for all combinations of the between-subject factors within each level of within-subject factor combinations; see Details.


Logical. If TRUE (default), inclusion Bayes factor is calculated and displayed. (Note: with multiple factors and/or larger dataset, the calculation can take considerable time.)


Number of samples used to estimate Bayes factor (10000 by default).


String, "--- neat ANOVA ---" by default. Simply displayed in printing preceding the statistics.


If TRUE (default), calculates Welch's ANOVA via stats::oneway.test in case of a single factor (one-way) between-subject design. If FALSE, calculates via ez::ezANOVA in such cases too (i.e., same as in case of every other design).


NULL (default) or one of the following strings: 'gg', 'hf', or 'none'. If set to 'gg', Greenhouse-Geisser correction is applied in case of repeated measures (regardless of violation of sphericity). If set to 'hf', Huynh-Feldt correction is applied. If set to 'none', no correction is applied. If NULL, Greenhouse-Geisser correction is applied when Mauchly's sphericity test is significant and the Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon is not larger than .75, while Huynh-Feldt correction is applied when Mauchly's sphericity test is significant and the Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon is larger than .75 (see Girden, 1992).


Sum of squares type specified as a number: 1, 2, or 3. Set to 2 by default (which is generally recommended, see e.g. Navarro, 2019, Chapter 16).


If not FALSE (default) uses a heteroscedasticity-corrected coefficient covariance matrix; the various values of the argument specify different corrections ("hc0", "hc1", "hc2", "hc3", or "hc4"). See the documentation for car::hccm for details. If set to TRUE then the "hc3" correction is selected.


Logical. If TRUE, prevents printing any details to console.


Logical (FALSE by default). If TRUE, creates plots of means by factor, by passing data and factor information to plot_neat.


Any additional arguments will be passed on to plot_neat.


The Bayes factor (BF) is always calculated with the default rscaleFixed of 0.5 ("medium") and rscaleRandom of 1 ("nuisance"). BF supporting null hypothesis is denoted as BF01, while that supporting alternative hypothesis is denoted as BF10. When the BF is smaller than 1 (i.e., supports null hypothesis), the reciprocal is calculated (hence, BF10 = BF, but BF01 = 1/BF). When the BF is greater than or equal to 10000, scientific (exponential) form is reported for readability. (The original full BF number is available in the returned named vector as bf.)

Mauchly's sphericity test is returned for repeated measures with more than two levels. If Mauchly's test is significant, epsilon correction may be applied (see the e_correction parameter).

Variance equality tests (if var_tests is TRUE): Brown-Forsythe and Fligner-Killeen tests are performed for each within-subject factor level (or, in case of several factors, each combination) via var_tests. Note that variance testing is generally not recommended (see e.g., Zimmerman, 2004). In case of a one-way between-subject ANOVA, Welch-corrected results are reported by default, which corrects for unequal variances. In case of multiple between-subject factors, the white.adjust parameter can be set to TRUE (or "hc3") to apply "hc3" correction for unequal variances. In case of a mixed ANOVA (both between-subject and within-subject factors), if the tests are significant and the data is unbalanced (unequal group sample sizes), you should either consider the results respectively or choose a different test.

In case of multiple values (column names) that match identical levels for all factors, the given columns will be merged into a single column taking the mean value of all these columns. (This is to simplify "dropping" a within-subject factor and retesting the remaining factors.) Explicit warning messages are shown in each such case.


Prints ANOVA statistics (including, for each model, F-test with partial eta squared and its CI, generalized eta squared, and BF, as specified via the corresponding parameters) in APA style. Furthermore, when assigned, returns all calculated information details for each effect (as stat_list), normality and variance tests (if any), etc.


The F-tests are calculated via ez::ezANOVA, including Mauchly's sphericity test. (But Welch's ANOVA is calculated in case of one-way between-subject designs via stats::oneway.test, unless the welch parameter is set to FALSE.)

Confidence intervals are calculated, using the F value, via MBESS::conf.limits.ncf, converting noncentrality parameters to partial eta squared as ncp/(ncp+ df_nom+df_denom+1) (Smithson, 2003).

Generalized eta squared is to facilitate potential subsequent meta-analytical comparisons (see Lakens, 2013).

The inclusion Bayes factor based on matched models is calculated via bayestestR::bayesfactor_inclusion, (with match_models = TRUE, and using an BayesFactor::anovaBF object for models input).


Girden, E. (1992). ANOVA: Repeated measures. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Kelley, K. (2007). Methods for the behavioral, educational, and social sciences: An R package. Behavior Research Methods, 39(4), 979-984. doi: 10.3758/BF03192993

Lakens, D. (2013). Calculating and reporting effect sizes to facilitate cumulative science: A practical primer for t-tests and ANOVAs. Frontiers in Psychology, 4.

Lakens, D. (2014). Calculating confidence intervals for Cohen's d and eta-squared using SPSS, R, and Stata [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Mathot. S. (2017). Bayes like a Baws: Interpreting Bayesian Repeated Measures in JASP [Blog post]. Retrieved from

McDonald, J. H. 2015. Handbook of Biological Statistics (3rd ed.). Sparky House Publishing, Baltimore, Maryland. Retrieved from

Moder, K. (2010). Alternatives to F-test in one way ANOVA in case of heterogeneity of variances (a simulation study). Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 52(4), 343-353.

Navarro, D. (2019). Learning Statistics with R: A Tutorial for Psychology Students and Other Beginners (Version 0.6.1). Retrieved from

Smithson, M. (2003). Confidence intervals. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications.

Steiger, J. H. (2004). Beyond the F test: effect size confidence intervals and tests of close fit in the analysis of variance and contrast analysis. Psychological Methods, 9(2), 164-182. doi: 10.1037/1082-989X.9.2.164

Zimmerman, D. W. (2004). A note on preliminary tests of equality of variances. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 57(1), 173–181.

See Also

plot_neat, t_neat


# assign random data in a data frame for illustration
# (note that the 'subject' is only for illustration; since each row contains the
# data of a single subject, no additional subject id is needed)
dat_1 = data.frame(
    subject = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
    grouping1 = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2),
    grouping2 = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1),
    value_1_a = c(36.2, 45.2, 41, 24.6, 30.5, 28.2, 40.9, 45.1, 31, 16.9),
    value_2_a = c(-14.1, 58.5, -25.5, 42.2, -13, 4.4, 55.5, -28.5, 25.6, -37.1),
    value_1_b = c(83, 71, 111, 70, 92, 75, 110, 111, 110, 85),
    value_2_b = c(8.024, -14.162, 3.1, -2.1, -1.5, 0.91, 11.53, 18.37, 0.3, -0.59),
    value_1_c = c(27.4,-17.6,-32.7, 0.4, 37.2, 1.7, 18.2, 8.9, 1.9, 0.4),
    value_2_c = c(7.7, -0.8, 2.2, 14.1, 22.1, -47.7, -4.8, 8.6, 6.2, 18.2)
head(dat_1) # see what we have

# For example, numbers '1' and '2' in the variable names of the values can
# denote sessions in an experiment, such as '_1' for first session, and '_2 for
# second session'. The letters '_a', '_b', '_c' could denote three different
# types of techniques used within each session, to be compared to each other.
# See further below for a more verbose but more meaningful example data.

# get the between-subject effect of 'grouping1'
anova_neat(dat_1, values = 'value_1_a', between_vars = 'grouping1')

# main effects of 'grouping1', 'grouping2', and their interactions
           values = 'value_1_a',
           between_vars = c('grouping1', 'grouping2'))

# repeated measures:
# get the within-subject effect for 'value_1_a' vs. 'value_1_b'
anova_neat(dat_1, values = c('value_1_a', 'value_1_b'))

# same, but give the factor a custom variable name, and omit BF for speed
    values = c('value_1_a', 'value_1_b'),
    within_ids = 'a_vs_b',
    bf_added = FALSE
# or
    values = c('value_1_a', 'value_1_b'),
    within_ids = 'letters',
    bf_added = FALSE

# within-subject effect for 'value_1_a' vs. 'value_1_b' vs. 'value_1_c'
    values = c('value_1_a', 'value_1_b', 'value_1_c'),
    bf_added = FALSE

# within-subject main effect for 'value_1_a' vs. 'value_1_b' vs. 'value_1_c',
# between-subject main effect 'grouping1', and the interaction of these two main
# effects
    values = c('value_1_a', 'value_1_b', 'value_1_c'),
    between_vars = 'grouping1',
    bf_added = FALSE

# within-subject 'number' main effect for variables with number '1' vs. number
# '2' ('value_1_a' and 'value_1_b' vs. 'value_2_a' and 'value_2_b'), 'letter'
# main effect for variables with final letterr 'a' vs. final letter 'b'
# ('value_1_a' and 'value_2_a' vs. 'value_1_b' and 'value_2_b'), and the
# 'letter' x 'number' interaction
    values = c('value_1_a', 'value_2_a', 'value_1_b', 'value_2_b'),
    within_ids = list(
        letters = c('_a', '_b'),
        numbers =  c('_1', '_2')
    bf_added = FALSE

# same as above, but now including between-subject main effect 'grouping2' and
# its interactions
    values = c('value_1_a', 'value_2_a', 'value_1_b', 'value_2_b'),
    within_ids = list(
        letters = c('_a', '_b'),
        numbers =  c('_1', '_2')
    between_vars = 'grouping2',
    bf_added = FALSE

# same as above, but now creating a plot of means
# y_title passed add an example title (label) for the Y axis
    values = c('value_1_a', 'value_2_a', 'value_1_b', 'value_2_b'),
    within_ids = list(
        letters = c('_a', '_b'),
        numbers =  c('_1', '_2')
    between_vars = 'grouping2',
    bf_added = FALSE,
    plot_means = TRUE,
    y_title = 'Example Y Title'

# same as above, but collapsing means over the removed "numbers" factor
    values = c('value_1_a', 'value_2_a', 'value_1_b', 'value_2_b'),
    within_ids = list(
        letters = c('_a', '_b')
    between_vars = 'grouping2',
    bf_added = FALSE,
    plot_means = TRUE,
    y_title = 'Example Y Title'

# In real datasets, these could of course be more meaningful. For example, let's
# say participants rated the attractiveness of pictures with low or high levels
# of frightening and low or high levels of disgusting qualities. So there are
# four types of ratings:
# 'low disgusting, low frightening' pictures
# 'low disgusting, high frightening' pictures
# 'high disgusting, low frightening' pictures
# 'high disgusting, high frightening' pictures

# this could be meaningfully assigned e.g. as below
pic_ratings = data.frame(
    subject = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
    rating_fright_low_disgust_low = c(36.2,45.2,41,24.6,30.5,28.2,40.9,45.1,31,16.9),
    rating_fright_high_disgust_low = c(-14.1,58.5,-25.5,42.2,-13,4.4,55.5,-28.5,25.6,-37.1),
    rating_fright_low_disgust_high = c(83,71,111,70,92,75,110,111,110,85),
    rating_fright_high_disgust_high = c(8.024,-14.162,3.1,-2.1,-1.5,0.91,11.53,18.37,0.3,-0.59)
head(pic_ratings) # see what we have

# the same logic applies as for the examples above, but now the
# within-subject differences can be more meaningfully specified, e.g.
# 'disgust_low' vs. 'disgust_high' for levels of disgustingness, while
# 'fright_low' vs. 'fright_high' for levels of frighteningness
    values = c(
    within_ids = list(
        disgustingness = c('disgust_low', 'disgust_high'),
        frighteningness =  c('fright_low', 'fright_high')
    bf_added = FALSE

# the results are the same as for the analogous test for the 'dat_1' data, only
# with different names

# now let's say the ratings were done in two separate groups
pic_ratings = data.frame(
    subject = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
    group_id = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1),
    rating_fright_low_disgust_low = c(36.2,45.2,41,24.6,30.5,28.2,40.9,45.1,31,16.9),
    rating_fright_high_disgust_low = c(-14.1,58.5,-25.5,42.2,-13,4.4,55.5,-28.5,25.6,-37.1),
    rating_fright_low_disgust_high = c(83,71,111,70,92,75,110,111,110,85),
    rating_fright_high_disgust_high = c(8.024,-14.162,3.1,-2.1,-1.5,0.91,11.53,18.37,0.3,-0.59)

# now test the effect and interactions of 'group_id'
    values = c(
    within_ids = list(
        disgustingness = c('disgust_low', 'disgust_high'),
        frighteningness =  c('fright_low', 'fright_high')
    between_vars = 'group_id',
    bf_added = FALSE

# again, same results as with 'dat_1' (using 'grouping2' as group_id)

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