offense: Offense dataset

offenseR Documentation

Offense dataset


Dataset with offense statistics of American football teams from the NFL (2010-2011 season).




A data frame with 32 teams on the following 17 variables. The variables may be used to construct five suggested latent concepts: 1) RUSH=Rushing Quality, 2) PASS=Passing Quality, 3) SPEC=Special Teams and Other, 4) SCORING=Scoring Success, 5)OFFENSE=Offense Performance

Num Variable Description Concept
1 YardsRushAtt Yards per Rush Attempt RUSH
2 RushYards Rush Yards per game RUSH
3 RushFirstDown Rush First Downs per game RUSH
4 YardsPassComp Yards Pass Completion PASS
5 PassYards Passed Yards per game PASS
6 PassFirstDown Pass First Downs per game PASS
7 FieldGoals Field Goals per game SPEC
8 OtherTDs Other Touchdowns (non-offense) per game SPEC
9 PointsGame Points per game SCORING
10 OffensTD Offense Touchdowns per game SCORING
11 TDGame Touchdowns per game SCORING
12 PassTDG Passing Touchdowns per game OFFENSE
13 RushTDG Rushing Touchdowns per game OFFENSE
14 PlaysGame Plays per game OFFENSE
15 YardsPlay Yards per Play OFFENSE
16 FirstDownPlay First Downs per Play OFFENSE
17 OffTimePossPerc Offense Time Possession Percentage OFFENSE



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# take a peek

gastonstat/plspm documentation built on April 8, 2022, 5:59 a.m.