knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>")
options(tibble.width = 80)
yh  <- read_hcd(system.file("extdata/1707-monthly-data.csv", package = "canadaHCD"))
bvm <- read_hcd(system.file("extdata/2855-monthly-data.csv", package = "canadaHCD"))
bvd <- read_hcd(system.file("extdata/2855-daily-data-2015.csv", package = "canadaHCD"))
bvh <- read_hcd(system.file("extdata/2855-hourly-data-2013-jan.csv", package = "canadaHCD"))

The Government of Canada's Historical Climate Data website provides access to hourly, daily, and monthly weather records for stations throughout Canada. These data are exposed through a simple web-based API that facilitates retrieval of data for one or more of the three period in CSV or XML format. canadaHCD provides an R-based interface to that API, taking care of forming the correct URL for a data set and of reading the different file formats.

The main piece of information required to access a dataset is the HCD StationID; an numeric ID internal to the Government of Canada's database. This StationID plus information about the resolution and period you want to retrieve data for are the key elements to accessing records. A list of these stations is regularly updated via a CSV located on a Government of Canada FTP server. As a convenience a recent snapshot of this CSV metadata is available via the unexported data frame canadaHCD:::station_data. A (currently) simple interface to this metadat is provided via find_station().

Say you're interested in climate data for stations in Yellowknife, you can search for all known stationIDs with "Yellowknife" in their name using find_station()


If we wanted to know which resolutions of data were available for the YELLOWKNIFE HYDRO station, we can extract certain columns from the canadaHCD:::station_data object

id <- grep("YELLOWKNIFE HYDRO", canadaHCD:::station_data$Name)
vars <- c("HourlyFirstYr", "HourlyLastYr", "DailyFirstYr", "DailyLastYr", "MonthlyFirstYr", "MonthlyLastYr")
canadaHCD:::station_data[id, vars]

The output shows that this station has no hourly data, but that daily and monthly data sets exist.

To download the monthly HCD from YELLOWKNIFE HYDRO you can use hcd_monthly(), providing it with the StationID for that particular weather station, either as an integer or as a character string

yh <- hcd_monthly(1707)

The data are returned as a tibble (a tbl_df), which shows a compact version of the data frame.


You should be able to work with these objects mostly as if they were data frames.

Functions hcd_daily() and hcd_hourly() are provided to access data files for different temporal resolutions. The file formats differ between resolutions both in terms of how much data is included in a file, but which climate/weather variables are provided. For example, there are no precipitation data at the hourly-resolution.

Each of the above downlaods data for the Broadview weather station in Saskatchewan.

gavinsimpson/canadaHCD documentation built on Sept. 23, 2023, 3:13 a.m.