
Defines functions `hcd_hourly`

#' @title Download hourly Historical Climate Data records
#' @description Hourly Historical Climate Data for stated station IDs are
#'   downloaded from the Government of Canada's Historical Climate Data website.
#' @param station character or numeric; one or more HCD station IDs.
#' @param year numeric; vector of one or more years
#' @param month numeric; vector of one or months
#' @param collapse Logical; if `TRUE` and multiple `station`s are
#'   requested a single data frame is returned, formed by row-binding
#'   the data for each station and prepending a station identifier variable.
#' @param progress Logical; if `TRUE`, a bar is shown indicating progress
#'   in downloading station data from the HCD website.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to [[read_hcd()].
#' @return A [`tibble::tbl_df-class`] containing the requested hourly climate
#'   data.
#' @author Gavin L. Simpson
#' @export
`hcd_hourly` <- function(station, year, month, collapse = TRUE,
    progress = TRUE, ...) {
    ## Generate URLs
    urls <- hcd_url(station, timescale = "hourly", year = year, month = month)
    ## Download data
    sdata <- process_downloads(urls$url, progress = progress, ...)
    ## collapse multiple stations to a single tbl_df
    if (collapse) {
        sdata <- collapse_hcd(sdata)

gavinsimpson/canadaHCD documentation built on Sept. 23, 2023, 3:13 a.m.