ART_Update_Weights: ART_Update_Weights

Description Usage Arguments Details Value

View source: R/ART_Update_Weights.r


Updates the weight matrix of an ART network.


ART_Update_Weights(input, weight, categoryNumber, learningRate)



Vector of size NumFeatures that contains the input signal into the network.


Matrix of size NumFeatures-by-NumCategories which holds the weights of the network.


Rate at which the network should learn new inputs.


Number of the category that codes the current input.


This function returns a new weight matrix that has "learned" the input in the given category, as well as a value correspoding to whether or not the weight matrix was changed (0 = no change; 1 = change).

The length of the INPUT vector must equal the number of rows in the WEIGHT matrix, the CATEGORYNUMBER must be in the range [1, NumCategories], and the LEARNINGRATE must be in the range [0, 1].


List containing the UPDATEDWEIGHT and WEIGHTCHANGE. The UPDATEDWEIGHT is a matrix of size NumFeatures-by-NumCategories that holds the new weights of the network after the input has been successfully learned. The WEIGHTCHANGE is a value (0 or 1) which relays whether or not the weight matrix was changed during this updating. Here, 0 represents no change and 1 represents a change.

gbaquer3/fuzzyARTMAP documentation built on Aug. 2, 2020, 6:33 p.m.