  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"

stable Codecov test


This personal package is a place to the store functions and lookups that I have created overtime and may find useful in the future. I started creating it after reading a blog Writing a Personal R Package from Jumping Rivers which encouraged spending time putting your personal library of code in one place within a package.

Writing packages along with their documentation have become easier with the production of a number of packages from RStudio, including devtools, usethis and pkgdown and I have used these packages in developing this personal package. In addition Thinkr created the golem package as a aid for creating shiny packages. A summary of the use of functions within these packages is provided in Create and update a package document in the information section.


The package can be installed from GitHub, which also hosts the package site



The information section is the place where my useful documents are stored. These documents provide information and guidance when writing R scripts, for example creating and updating a R package.

The reporting section contains the information and examples on creating reports using R Markdown and the statistics section notes on applying statistical methods to the data.

The lookups and functions section contain my useful functions and lookup tables. These can be used either directly by installing and loading this package or by copying and pasting the R code from the package's data-raw or R sub-directories, available from the package's GitHib pages, into your R script. The functions contain examples within their documentation to demonstrate their use.

The versions section lists the version history of this package, along with a summary of the documents, lookups and functions added.

Links to both my twitter account, where I retweet or like R related tweets posted by other members of the R community or with a #rstats hashtag and the package's Github pages are provided in the top right hand corner.


The store package has been published to GitHub pages.

gcfrench/store documentation built on May 17, 2024, 5:52 p.m.