
Defines functions build_markdown_article build_quarto_article

# quarto -----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @noRd
build_quarto_article <- function(all_files) {

  function(...) {

    # function converting quarto to html
    quarto_to_html <- function (quarto_path) {

      # split path into component parts
      directory_name <- quarto_path |>
      file_name <- quarto_path |>
        fs::path_ext_remove() |>

      # render quarto document as html
      quarto::quarto_render(fs::path(directory_name, glue::glue("{file_name}.qmd")), output_format = "html")

      # move html document to docs/articles folder
      fs::file_move(fs::path(directory_name, glue::glue("{file_name}.html")),
                    fs::path("docs", "articles", glue::glue("{file_name}.html")))

    if (all_files) {

      # iterate through all quarto documents
      fs::dir_ls("vignettes", glob = "*.qmd", recurse = TRUE) |>
    } else {

      # choose single quarto document
      fs::path(choose.files(default = "vignettes",
                            caption = "Select quarto document", multi = FALSE)) |>

#' @title
#' Build a single quarto document into a html document
#' @description
#' This function builds a selected quarto document into a html document, moving
#' the html file into the articles sub-folder of the doc folder so that it can be
#' included in package documentation, created by the pkgdown package.
#' @export
build_single_quarto_article <- build_quarto_article(all_files = FALSE)

#' @title
#' Build all quarto documents in the vignettes folder into html documents
#' @description
#' This function builds all the quarto documents in the package's vignettes folder
#' into a html documents, moving these html documents into the articles sub-folder
#' of the doc folder so that they can be included in package documentation,
#' created by the pkgdown package.
#' @details
#' use this function after running pkgdown's build_site function to create the
#' article html documents
#' @export
build_all_quarto_articles <- build_quarto_article(all_files = TRUE)

# markdown ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @noRd
build_markdown_article <- function(all_files) {

  function(...) {

    # function converting markdown to html
    markdown_to_html <- function(markdown_path) {

      # split path into component parts
      directory_name <- markdown_path |>
      file_name <- markdown_path |>
        fs::path_ext_remove() |>


      # render markdown document as html


    if(all_files) {

      # iterate through all markdown documents
    } else {

      # choose single markdown document
      fs::path(choose.files(default = "vignettes",
                            caption = "Select markdown document", multi = FALSE)) |>

#' @title
#' Build a single markdown document into a html document
#' @description
#' This function builds a selected markdown document into a html document, moving
#' the html file into the articles sub-folder of the doc folder so that it can be
#' included in package documentation, created by the pkgdown package.
#' @export
build_single_markdown_article <- build_markdown_article(all_files = FALSE)

#' @title
#' Build all markdown documents in the vignettes folder into html documents
#' @description
#' This function builds all the markdown documents in the package's vignettes folder
#' into a html documents, moving these html documents into the articles sub-folder
#' of the doc folder so that they can be included in package documentation,
#' created by the pkgdown package.
#' @export
build_all_markdown_articles <- build_markdown_article(all_files = TRUE)
gcfrench/store documentation built on May 17, 2024, 5:52 p.m.