Man pages for gdrplatform/gDRstyle
A package with style requirements for the gDR suite

avoid_new_linesAvoid new lines in sprintf output. Function helps to avoid...
checkDependenciesCheck for alignment of package dependencies across Rplatform...
checkPackageCheck R package
compare_versionsCompare listed package versions dependencies.
gDRstyle-packagegDRstyle: A package with style requirements for the gDR suite
installAllDepsInstall all package dependencies from yaml file for building...
installLocalPackageInstall locally cloned repo for builiding image purposes
lintPkgDirsLint select subdirectories in a package directory.
test_notes_checkAssume there is a valid note: > checking R code for possible...
gdrplatform/gDRstyle documentation built on Sept. 6, 2024, 10:01 a.m.