
#' Leipzig corpora demo
#' A random subset of 250 sentences from all unannotated Indonesian Leipzig Corpora files.

#' Balinese newspapers texts
#' A random ten corpus files of Balinese newspapers texts. These corpus files are raw plain texts without any annotation and which have not been split by sentences.

#' Indonesian short stories
#' A random ten corpus files of Indonesian short stories retrieved from online blog. These corpus files are raw plain texts without any annotation and which have not been split by sentences.

#' Stopwords
#' List of Indonesian stopwords

#' Unit testing data 1
#' A list containing two mini data frame as output for \code{freqlist_leipzig_all()}. This list is used for unit testing data.

#' Unit testing data 2
#' A plain text containing thirty random sentences from the Indonesian Leipzig corpora. This file is stored in the testthat directory and used for unit testing data.

#' Unit testing data 3
#' A plain text containing thirty random sentences from the Indonesian Leipzig corpora. This file is stored in the testthat directory and used for unit testing data.

#' Unit testing data 4
#' A list containing outputs from \code{colloc_default()}. This list is used for unit testing data.
gederajeg/corplingr documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 9:50 a.m.