Man pages for gel-research-group/lawstat
Tools for Biostatistics, Public Policy, and Law

bartels.testRanked Version of von Neumann's Ratio Test for Randomness
biasPrediction Errors ("Biases") of Surface Temperature Forecasts
blackhireHiring Data for Eight Professions and Two Races
brunner.munzel.testBrunner-Munzel Test for Stochastic Equality
cdCoefficient of Dispersion - a Measure of Relative Variability
cmh.testThe Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Chi-square Test
data1963Population Size and Number of Senators and Representatives in...
gini.indexMeasures of Relative Variability - Gini Index
j.maadMAAD Robust Standard Deviation
laplace.testGoodness-of-fit Test Statistics for the Laplace Distribution
levene.testLevene's Test of Equality of Variances
lnested.testTest for a Monotonic Trend in Variances
lorenz.curveLorenz Curve
ltrend.testTest for a Linear Trend in Variances
michiganDioxin Levels for Counties in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
mma.testMudholkar-McDermott-Aumont Test for Ordered Variances for...
neuhauser.hothorn.testNeuhauser-Hothorn Double Contrast Test for a Monotonic Trend...
nig.parameterGenerate Parameters for the Normal Inverse Gaussian (NIG)...
popdataPopulation Size of 33 Districts of the Tennessee Legislature...
potApertures of Chupa Pots from Three Philippine Communities
rjb.testTest of Normailty - Robust Jarque-Bera Test
rlmtestRobust Lagrange multiplier test for detecting ARCH/GARCH...
rlm.testRobust L1 Moment-Based (RLM) Goodness-of-Fit Test for the...
robust.mmm.testRobust Mudholkar-McDermott-Mudholkar Test for Ordered...
rqqTest of Normality Using RQQ Plots
runs.testRuns Test for Randomness
sj.testTest of Normality - SJ Test
symmetry.testTest of Symmetry
zuniThe Zuni Data from the Law Case: Zuni Public School v. United...
gel-research-group/lawstat documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 9:50 a.m.