func_dat: Metagenome functional dataset

Description Format References Examples


Example input data for TaFur, taken from Phillips et al. (submitted). func_dat is a metagenome functional dataset relating metagenome functions to microbiome community members to sample occurrences. func_dat is output from metagenome functional predictions following Langille et al. (2013), but similarly formed data from other inference or shotgun seuqencing approaches can also be used.


A data frame with 260937 function by OTU by sample observations.


Langille MG, Zaneveld J, Caporaso JG, McDonald D, Knights D, Reyes JA et al. (2013) Predictive functional profiling of microbial communities using 16S rRNA marker gene sequences. Nature Biotechnology, 31:814-821.

Phillips CD, Hanson J, Wilkinson J, Koenig L, Rees E, Webala P, Kingston T (submitted) Microbiome structural and functional incongruence explained along host dietary niche space.



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