Man pages for geocryology/PermafrostTools

DallAmicoCompute total water content, ice content, and liquid water...
HcGroundImplicitNumerical solution of ground heat conduction
HeatCapacityHeat capacity
SoilDiscretizeDiscretize soil vertically
TempAnalyticHarmonicAnalytic Temperature Field with Harmonic Variation
TermCondTermal conductivity of soil/rock parametrized from its...
TSA_data_importReturn data frame or a list of data frames with the daily...
TSA_plotPlot of the time series of a location
TSA_RDDetect RD date using the theory and function by Schmid et al....
TSA_rowReturn an empty data frame containing loc_name, Snow.Start...
TSA_snow_coverFind start and end date of snow cover
TSA_subsettingReturn list with subset dataframes
TSA_warming_periodsDetect major warming periods during a snow cover period
TSA_zero_curtainDetect zero curtain periods during a snow cover period
UnfrozenUnfozen water in soil
geocryology/PermafrostTools documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 10:40 a.m.