TSA_warming_periods: Detect major warming periods during a snow cover period

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) Examples

View source: R/TSA_warming_periods.R


Give one data.frame of a location or a list of data.frames of multiple locations and the function returns a table with the start dates of the major warming periods during a winter as well as quality values.


TSA_warming_periods(obs_stat, tperc = 40, sdoutlier = 3, sdsteep = 0.75,
  v1 = 0.1, v2 = 0.3, lengthsnow = 5, MDr.sd = 0.3,
  snow.period = NULL)



One dataframe of one location or a list of dataframes of multiple locations A dataframe needs at least the following columns: Location name as loc_name; Mean daily GST as agg_avg; Minimum daily GST as agg_min; Maximum daily GST as agg_max; Daily sd as agg_sd; Date as time (in POSIXct and the following format: YYYY-MM-DD)


Percentage of the 10-percent-quantile of the winter temperatures that the warming period should at least reach. Default is 40 percent.


The number implies how many multiples of the standard deviation of the slope are taken to define a threshold. The threshold is used to detect slope outliers.


The number implies what fraction of the standard deviation of the slope is taken to select the steepest part of a warming period.


Max. daily standard deviation indicating snow for POSITIVE Ground Surface Temperature. Default is 0.1.


Max. daily standard deviation indicating snow for NEGATIVE Ground Surface Temperature. Default is 0.3.


Number of days that the snow cover should at least have to be selected as a valid snow cover. Default is 5 days.


Threshold for the mean daily standard deviation for a snow period.


In case the snow period is already available for one location, it can be inserted here. The data frame of the now period needs to have the following columns: loc_name, Snow.Start, Snow.End, MDr


It is also possible to adjust the parameters for the TSA_snow_cover function in this function, as the warming periods are calculated for each snow cover period. Therefore, the TSA_snow_cover is run as well in this function.


Datafame with the following fields: loc_name: location name; Snow.Start: Start date of the analyzed snow period; Snow.End: End date of the analyzed snow period; Warming.Period.Start: start date of the warming period; RD: indicates if the warming period is assumed to be the Ripening date; Temp.diff: Temperature of the steepest part of the warming period [C]; Mean.Slope: Mean slope of the steepest part of the warming period; Temp.To.Zero: How much below/above zero is the end of the steepest part of the warming period [C];


Thomas Knecht <t.knecht@hotmail.com>


con <- dbpf_con()
BC_SO01_01 <- TSA_data_import(con, "BC16-SO01_01")
WarmingPeriodsTable <- TSA_warming_periods(BC_SO01_01,tperc = 40, sdoutlier = 3, sdsteep = 0.75, v1 = 0.1, v2 = 0.3, lengthsnow = 5, MDr.sd = 0.3, snow.period=NULL)

geocryology/PermafrostTools documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 10:40 a.m.