gridPoints-package: Functions to grid point data

gridPoints-packageR Documentation

Functions to grid point data


Package offers 2 functions to grid point data: grid_points() is a flexible data tool for aggregating point data to a grid. grid_jitter() deterministically adjusts point positions to improve perceptual properties when visualised and to prevent over-plotting.


Package: gridPoints
Type: Package
Version: 0.2
Date: 2015-02-02
License: GPL-2

See individual function pages for self-explanatory examples ("?grid_points" and "?grid_jitter")


Robin Edwards

Maintainer: Robin Edwards <> ~~ The author and/or maintainer of the package ~~


~~ Literature or other references for background information ~~

See Also

~~ Optional links to other man pages, e.g. ~~ ~~ <pkg> ~~


# most basic examples
d = faithful

# grid_points function
grd1 = grid_points(d, nx = 20, FUN=length)
plot(d[,1:2], pch=16, cex=.3, col='red')
symbols(grd1[,1:2], squares=sqrt(grd1$n), inches=.3, add=T)

# grid_jitter function
grd2 = grid_jitter(d, nx=75, ny=75, tol=5)

geotheory/gridPoints documentation built on March 25, 2022, 5 p.m.